Thursday, December 11, 2014

Oh just kidding, after my mean rant, I Forgot he sent a letter to Jon for the blog. But still not for me! :)

Dear Blog,
  These past many weeks the Lord has been realizing miracles in the ward of Tarrafal. President Mathews personally came to our district to answer any questions and teach us about consecration. The doctorine of consecration has influenced my desire more than anything else to be the missionary that Heavenly Father wants for this people. Gota por gota, drop by drop, alignment of our agency to the will of the Father, placing our sins on the altar of sacrifice. Pride. Disobedience. Distant thoughts. These things are what we need to be willing to give up in order to be more Christlike.
  This Christmas season has been the perfect time to give service, sing hymns, and share the love that God has for all of us. How wonderful it is to know that God loved the world enough so that he gave his only begotten Son that whoso believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 
  Jesus, once a child born of humble beginnings, destined to give his life. Give his life to God through serving as the perfect example as well as giving up the ghost at that crucial moment on Calvary. He is the present of Christmas. 
  We have been commissioned and sent out to share with all the islanders a short film entitled...He is the Present. What a wonderful video to watch and remember, whether it is to be reminded for the first time or the 31st time, the gift that we have been given. Whether we will cherish it or not is up to us. 
  One of my favorite comparisons to make is the Son with the sun. Surely as the sun doth rise to give light, cast out fear, and warm our faces so will the Son of the living God. We as missionaries all over the world invite each and everyone to ponder within themselves... What is the gift I will give to the Savior this year. 
  I know with all the conviction I currently bear, that Jesus is the Christ and that if he is the Christ then this is His gospel. If it were not so we would not be and something in every human soul is hope. Hope is something we must want, if we do not want it we donºt have to keep it but the thing I am grateful for at this time of year is that happiness is still so abundant on the earth. No war, no poverty, no government can take that from a person. Overall the human race is good, blessed with the divine potential for perfection.
Elder Judd

Dec 8. 2014

WELLLLLLL you thought last weeks letter was short? Ready for this week? Here it is....


My new favorite missionary is Elder Drawe, Chandler moved to 2nd place. Here is why:

From Elder Drawe
This week was amazing! Just getting in the Christmas Spirit in our house! Look, this letter is going to be pathetic! But we had such a beautiful baptism this week! It was just soooo awesome! 

In the mission, we have been thinking about what we can give to the Lord to be more consecrated! Just to go along with the little film "He is the Gift!" I tell you what, its a brain buster. For sure though I will figure something out and I will let you all know when I do! HAHA
Also, there is this place here called Pao Quente. Its a pastry shop from Portugal! Its the best place ever. But earlier during the week, I entered and it was Christmas! It was amazing! All of the workers had Santa Hats, Christmas trees, lights, music..the works. So we sat there for like thirty minutes, eating our goods and having hot chocolate! OH you have no idea what that did to me! I was going crazy! Just on cloud nine! I was relating everything to Christmas! HAH poor Elder Judd just thinking I am getting all trunky on him..hahah! 

Also this week we have been notified that President is enforcing the rule...talking to the family on Christmas for 40 mins. So fam pains me at the bottom of my heart, but we can only talk for 40 minutes. So think of Questions, jokes, experiences, etc so that we can take advantage of this glorious time!
But that is it for this week! I love you so much and I hope every one is in the Christmas spirit! 

Elder Drawe

Dependable Respectful Achievers Workers Eternal= DRAWE!

Dec 1, 2014

THANKS FOR THE PACKAGES!!!! THE MARSHMALLOWS WERE AMAZING!!! We roasted them over our stove. I stood there on the kitchen floor hugging that piece of paper, having a special moment here in Cabo Verde. I hope that Thanksgiving was great!
  I am so thankful for my parents, family, ward, friends, mission,*investigators, *bishop, *companion, *district, and for everything that the Lord provides us. I love you so much!
Elder Judd

from Mom- "What, that is all? " you are asking? Why yes it is!!! The whole letter for the week. STINKER

but once again his companion saves the day:
From Elder Drawe's blog:

This Thanksgiving was pretty good! We ate our favorite restuarant Maracujá. Super good. We had some crepes and then a desert crepe. Turkey is not very common here in Cape Verde. But yeah we sat there and talked for a little bit then we said ten things that we were thankful for in that year. Yeah, I know, tender..Elder Judd talked about High School and stuff and the first three months of the mission. Kinda weird that he graduated high school like six months ago. I talked about the memories I have made in Santo Antao and also Calheta. Two fantastic areas that I have made so many memories!.After words we just worked hard and then we just hit the pillow every single night!

Well update on Fogo, it got better for a little bit but today the volcano opened in six different spots. A couple of weeks ago, they transfered the sisters out. I don´t know what is going to happen with everyone. But please keep them in your prayers, those guys don´t deserve any of this! But I think I am going to give all the stuff you guys sent to me, to Fogo. There was a city that got burned, lots of houses, etc. So they prolly need all that stuff more. 

Also update on the work here..its going pretty well! I am so grateful that things are picking up. Literally we can see the hand of the Lord in the work soo much! This week we pray that we can help a family to make their first convenants this week end! They are so dang sweet! She always says! "What day am I making Cachupa for you guys?" haha she says she is a specialist in cow parts cachupa...hahah yeah stoked.   So if you guys could remember them in your prayer at night and morning that would be appreciated!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 24, 2014

Mother Dearest!
  Sorry how horrible I have been at emailing recently but time is literally my worst enemy. I honestly couldnºt describe how fast time has been going out here. It is bittersweet. Iºm sorry! Anyway, about Fogo: I can see the volcano from the street and can see the smoke coming from the volcano. It is so crazy to see that it is actually real and not just one of those classic volcano pictures! No one has been hurt and so it is really nothing. Haha, an investigator family we are becoming great friends with said that there are going to be earthquakes soon and that if we have a real bad earthquake that the island of Brava will sink, hahaha. Everything is fine of course but it was just funny to hear what they were saying about it. The people here have such a different sense of humor but I have come to love it so much. Haha, the other day I called a really great member in our ward a beast, while he was working super hard at a service project, but apparently it is super offensive here. Yeah.... that has happened a lot more than just once, haha, but the people here are completely understanding.
  Iºm sure that Elder Leavittºs talk was absolutely amazing. I love hearing things about the ward because I can completely feel the prayers of those people all the way out here in Cabo Verde, it is really an amazing thing to experience. Mom, that is really great to hear about Relief Society and crazy that I donºt know those people. Regardless of change the Gospel of the Lord is still true.
  Lately Iºve been thinking a lot about the Atonement and the Plan of Salvation and Iºve been so grateful for the desire the Lord has blessed me with to learn as much as I possibly can and expand my understanding about the mysteries of God. It allows us to enjoy life in a new way, a deeper way. I couldnºt ever give the Thanks to God that He deserves.
  ... Is Stefano living at home?? If so tell him that I love him so much! 
 The package is a surprise when you get it. (I havenºt gotten the Christmas package yet but the other two yes)  Love you more than you could imagine!

Elder Judd

November 17, 2014

 Sorry for not having much time, but I know how great you always are so I've been trying to focus on those who need it most. Love you to the sun and back though! Next week I'll send a good email, haha.
 I haven't bought a camera yet, I wasn't sure if you were going to send it in a package but I think that would be the best option. Also I would love another journal or two because this one is already full. (I haven't missed a day yet, yay) And if it isn't to much to ask, could I get scripture mastery reference cards so I can get more references memorized to use? I really apologize for only asking things from you, as I have my whole life. It kills me just being so needy! Covering the package in Mother Mary pictures should help out with theives. Also, an idea, that for a Christmas Package to me you can send as much as you'd like so that I can give it to the church to distribute it out for families to have Christmas in Tarrafal. No more time, ahhh!

Love you with my whole heart! The Lord will bless you for sacrifice! Love you again!
Elder Judd
Sister Drawe and the Whole Drawe Family!

  I have to apologize for not writing sooner to say thank you. Thank you for your son! I am aware you already know how amazing he is but I don't think it could be said enough! He even shared his package with me! He was so willing to give me my favorite cereal ever, Lucky Charms! I would just like to reasure you all know that he is doing wonderful in his mission. He has taught me to work hard but enjoy every sunset, every moment, and every person. 
  I know the Lord blessed me with Elder Drawe as my trainer because of the specific things I have already learned from him. It also doesn't hurt that we are best friends! You raised a great son, and the willingness of each and every one of you to support him is a testimony to the Lord of your willingness to sacrifice. And I've learned: Sacrifice is love. I am grateful for Christ's sacrifice for each and every one of us. The Lord is the perfect teacher and through His spirit we learn of His Atonement. It isn't just in church, it is in life. The Gospel is life. Life is the Gospel. There is no disconnect, and although we do not know the meaning of all things, even as the great prophet Nephi didn't (1 Ne. 11:17-18), we can know the we have a Loving Heavenly Father. Elder Drawe really is someone special in the lives of so many people, and the members in the Drawe family are as well. We have God to thank for this blessing. May God bless you all with quality time together this holiday season!

Have a Dougie-Fresh Christmas!
-Elder Judd


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Nov 10, 2014

  I am no longer a greenie! Haha, I'm still working here in Tarrafal at least until next transfers. Some revelation I got was that for sure I will be training more than one missionary on my mission. It was really comforting when the spirit testified this to me because ever since the beginning I have lost all desire to serve in leadership, I just want to train. Elder Drawe was a great trainer and I am glad I get to stay with him an support him as he is district leader.
  It is so great to hear that the new job is going so well! God will always bless the righteous. Thank you also for that advice that you gave. To be honest, previous missionaries in this area just tried to baptize as much as possible and now we have more inactive members than we have active members. Which means over one hundred... it is incredibly sad. I will definitely apply your advice more because if we can integrate less actives back into the ward that is great in the sight of God. Everything you said was so true and proof as to how hard of a worker you must have been on your mission. I think to your example often, I try to make you proud. I love you, dad, I hope you know just how much I love you. Yesterday we were super behind on our numbers for the week so we set ridiculous goals to reach and at first I doubted a little but in the end had faith because God had ALWAYS blessed us in the past for working as hard as we could. We ended up falling short on only a couple goals, but really miracles happen when you push just a little bit harder when you don't think you can or want to. Have a great week, Dad! I won't let you down, or God because you both want the best for me. Love you! "sometimes while living in the present you get destroyed in a game of ping pong but there is always another game to lose" haha, 2 years of trash talk is really going to mess with your head. Too bad my head already got messed up from you dominating me in the very last game, hahaha.

Really though, I really can't describe how grateful I am for you and for mom. I have not yet found a family here where the mom and dad love each other like you two do. I rarely even find married couples period. If you could pray that a couple will be prepared for marriage when missionaries will pass by them that will eternally affect a family relationship for the better. Love you so much Dad. Don't cry about the trash talk, I was just kidding, haha.

I'm still gaining some weight, getting nice and fat just so you don't worry. I really am so sorry about the camera. Some Cape Verdean has a nice camera with a really nice sd card right now, you can probably guess how much else that person has. Even though stealing is not good for them that camera can be a blessing for them. 
  This past week: Jacinto, one of my best friends here in Cape Verde, got baptized! He is 26 years old and we have been teaching him for a long time and I am so glad we didn't ever judge him because he always has rasta apparel and smoked a lot of padginha. He has the sweetest dreds ever and always is caring towards others.
  Two things happened: I am no longer being trained and also I will be staying in Tarrafal for this next transfer. I am so grateful for the people here and even though at times I feel like I am progressing way too slow I can't help but feel the Love of God in my life. Elder Drawe and I will continue to be companions and I am so grateful for this companionship. I have a feeling will be favorite companions throughout our missions.
  I love you sweet mother and pray for you all the time as I imagine how incredibly busy you are. You don't need to ever worry about me, the Lord protects his missionaries like crazy. I am no longer scared of the dogs here, haha. I am grateful for your example to me of serving a faithful missionary. I am so proud to call you my mother and the relief society president here has heard a lot about you from me and how amazing you are. 
  Tell Isabelle that I say hi and that she makes a very cute bee. Tell Kennedi that she is awesome.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Man I love his companion!

Mom: So here is my long email for the week.

Whatever we want it to be pretty much... ava maria! We got to go! Bye, Love you an infinite amount, haha, beat that!

Elder Judd

BUT here is what his great companion wrote! Thank you Elder Drawe!

So literally this week I was junior Comp. Elder Judd was senior Comp this whole week. I am not going to lie, it was super relaxing, but also, I learned alot. Elder Judd is a missionary that has sooo much desire in the work. He just leaves his heart out there. He has really opened my eyes on how to really work hard! Elder Judd is one of those different Comps for me. I look at him as my Kid, Comp, and a missionary. But most importantly I see him as one of my great friends! He will definately be one of those missionaries that I will keep in contact with after the mission.

So as for news of the baptism that went missing....yeah as of right now he is in Portugal. He is representing Santiago North for boxing. So Pray that he will do well and that he will remember who he is and where he came from and what he has learned! He will come back soon. 
 Transfers this week! I will let you know what happens! I I love you guys tons!

Nov 3rd 2014

No letter this week, just one to pass on, so I stole from it!

This past week there was one night that we only had 30 minutes to find a new investigator, and a less active, and a member all in one lesson... we had nothing marked. That day we walked more than we ever have before and we were dead tired. We got this prompting to travel down and back up this ravine, not only did we not think our legs could make it we didn't think we would have enough time. We decided to act out in faith anyway and we came down the ravine to find 3 people sitting on a porch. We soon recognized a member, a less active, and after the spirit guided our lesson we marked with the third and she became a new investigator. Nothing could have been done in more order.

Oct 27th

Dear Mother,
  I will tell you the hard parts of my mission: that baptism of Nelson, the boxer, fell through because Satan influencing him to think he is not ready, similar a dozen other baptisms we would have had that fell due to some reason. It is sad to see the fact that it is almost unheard of to find families where they had a Mom and Dad that have been married and not left each other. Always they have kids out of wedlock then the guy bounces. The amount of alcoholism is staggering here, on average we have about 5 experiences every day with drunk people. The part that is perhaps harder than that is the number of members that backbite and are not truly converted to the Gospel of Christ. Soo much gossiping and drama. After a Correlation meeting with almost zero charity I went home absolutely sad and without Elder Drawe. I have never felt more alone in my life, and dreaded how bad of an impact I would then have on the greenie I was going to be on a division with and training. I prayed with all my heart to God but only felt the very smallest of feelings, as I soon began getting back into focusing on the investigators that feeling of loneliness left me and never returned. 
   I love hearing about Womenºs Conference! Wow! Life seems to be a bit crazy for you all but pretty rewarding. Iºm so blessed to say that Christi Judd is my mom, Iºm the luckiest son to the greatest parents I could ever have. I really mean that too! Not much time, sorry.
-People here wear tons of stuff with Utah stuff on it, practically everyone has at least one shirt. Iºm guessing it is because of D.I. maybe?
-Wheelchairs with a patch of the Churchºs title on the back, can be seen ridden by a couple crippled people here in Tarrafal.
-Our new Bispo owns a little furnace to make cookies and cakes so he walks around all the time with a bucket full of cookies to give out to people. He is one of the most Christlike people I have ever met.
-We had 300 people in Tarrafal Crismar or ºchristen?º in the Catholic church and that night I have never seen more drunk people in one city. We found one guy to talk to that wasnºt drunk though, it was crazy. 
-The next day a Cape Verdean Funeral where the whole town was wearing black and you could hear women wailing with all their might and crying as much as possible, it is a lot different culture here.
Yup, that is about everything this week. Love you to the moon and back!
Elder Judd

 I have to apologize for those last emails! I am just being so negative! Sorry! Really though I wouldnºt have enough room to talk about all the great things about Cape Verde and my mission. God is a God of mercy, God is Love. I have learned so much but just like Nephi and even moreso: I do not know the condesension of God or the meaning of all things but I know with all my heart, without a shadow of a doubt that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us. Mom, When I imagine the women in the life of Christ that worshipped him, had such faith in him, and followed him I always imagine you among that elect group. I love you all so much and am slowly learning the meaning of the Gospel which is really just life day by day little by little. Sorry Iºve been demanding of you even way out here in Africa.
  Something fun for you of all the cool things Iºve eaten: eel, octopus, fish heads, red bananas, and all sorts of crazy crazy fruits, and lots of cornflakes and sphagetti too, haha. Have a wonderful week!
Elder Judd
(he is so sweet and the farthest thing from a demanding kid! Funny boy, he asked me one favor)

October 20

This past week has been crazy and crazy-good too! I got to go on 2 divisions and both of them where I was the senior companion leading the other (much older) missionaries around Tarrafal, it was a great learning experience. I had another learning experience where I went on a division with a new greenie that has been here for 2 weeks. A greenie training a greenie. This was a great opportunity for me to know how training is and also for him to have someone to connect to, because of how new I am too. That day where I was training the greenie was the most successful day that we have had here in Tarrafal number-wise. The Elder Farnsworth, the greenie, had such a fire for missionary work and absolutely zero fear for talking to anyone. He will go so far in life.
  Nelson, one of our investigators, will be getting baptized this next week and then the week after will be flying out to Portugal to represent Santiago in a boxing that guy so much. His desire is so strong that every problem he has had he has fought to overcome and with Christ he has easily each time. The people here in Cabo Verde are incredibly open and honest and god fearing people. The dynamic of the culture literally makes this place a land of light and a place of bliss. 
  Sorry for not having a lot to write, it just gives more time for whoever reads this to go do something with someone they love.

Elder Judd

Monday, October 13, 2014

No more American Missionaries

 Time is a paradox for me, it seems to go so fast but I feel Iºve already been here for such a long time. I am grateful for the time I do have because it goes by in the blink of an eye. We have already begun listening to Christmas music, haha. The things we hear about that happening in the world only prove how badly the world needs Godºs message of hope. No more American Missionaries will come here until the Ebola outbreak is done. Just one more miracle in my life that I was allowed to come here before it was shut done. 
  Oh, but the future here is so bright. I can say with great surity that within the next five years Cabo Verde will have a Temple in Praia, with a stake in the north side of Santiago. Our Bishop was released and the new Bishop, what a truly Christlike person. Always willing to give us cookies (which my body definitely does not need), literally willing to give the very shirt of his back as well.
  I used to dislike ºbearing my testimonyº because I didnºt want to sound preachy, but now my testimony isnºt something preachy but Iºm just telling about my life and I know that the spirit will touch them because not only is the Gospel absolutely true but will absolutely bless them in ways they canºt know unless they live it. I can now say that I know that the scriptures are inspired words that can and will apply to each person, each situation, each question. I love the Lord will all my heart. Any who do not ºknowº please just base your faith off of the reality of a loving Heavenly Father. I canºt thank God enough for every minute of my blessed life and for the lives of my family hear in Cabo Verde and back in Utah.
Elder Judd

From Elder Drawe: Well this week was a very great week like literally everyday, me and Elder Judd were just like freak! We did work today! Also this week we had another baptism. Her name is Lazi. She is literally a miracle. Her whole entire life she has said that the Catholic Church is the only true church, until she visited the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She noticed something different. Then we started teaching her, then she was just blown away about the feelings that she has felt. Then she was baptized! She is super cool! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Yucky mosquitos

I literally only had 10 minutes so you were the only person I wrote to besides President. He gave us permission to use internet for a little bit this morning so Iºll be fast. 
  After a couple weeks of mosquitos and getting around 100 bites all over my body I have just gotten completely used to them. They donºt bother me anymore which has been really nice. I have actually been gaining weight out here on the mission, and yes, it is possible to gain weight in Africa. I love the food! Rice and beans and french fries and chicken and it is the norm to cover all that in Cape Verdean mayonaise which is honestly the best creation in the world. It is not anything like american mayo, it is sent straight from heaven above. 
  Luis is doing really great thank you so much for asking, we are going to go teaching with him this next week which is going to be really amazing (Iºm sure he is just an amazing teacher because of how dang intellegent he is) He is doing fine because his family is pretty supportive which is great. The work out here is just that: work. And I am so grateful it is that way. I just canºt thank you enough mother for you teaching me that there is no substitution to work. Because of your teaching it never has been hard for me to adjust to the work load. 
  We got to watch a very choppy conference that would stop working every few minutes and we would have to either wait a long time or reload the page then wait a long time. It was in a hard accent of portuguese so it was really difficult to understand but I still got some great things from it anyway. I have never been personally grateful for the load that the prophet willingly bears. The burden of this generation is upon his shoulders and because he is obviously human it weighs him down so here in the mission we have been praying for him with a lot more energy of heart. Thanks also to you and dad who always made conference something special in our home because I will forever remember the feeling of togetherness we had while eating some way good cinnamon rolls. 
  I am incredibly grateful for the two new missionaries in our house, they both are about to finish their missions. They know the scriptures so well and Iºve already learned amazing things that I never knew previously or, frankly, thought about. Interviews with president yesterday was amazing, my pen was flying taking so many notes from what he was saying to me. I am learning to be more patient so I can follow in the footsteps of both of my parents and maybe come at least close to how amazing they are. 
 I love you all... like, a lot!

-Elder Judd

Monday, October 6, 2014

We are having interviews with the president today and also are in the process of finalizing the contract and moving. Most likely, we will be moving in on Thursday. We do our wash in a washing machine and then hang them up to dry on this rack and clothsline. I didnºt move but the other two Elders left to exotic islands and two new super awesome missionaries came in. Iºve only been with the older missionaries which has been great partaking from their scriptural knowledge. Yes, I took pictures at the baptism, but I still canºt send pictures. Sorry I donºt have much time, I love you mother.

-Elder Judd

Thursday, October 2, 2014

 Revelation came to me this week, which I am very grateful for. It came while writing in my journal one night. Cape Verde one of the highest baptizing missions, and this past Saturday was the first baptism I have had. Basically a whole transfer without. Elder Drawe and I have been working until our bodies scream at us to stop. I am glad Iºve only had one. It was the Lordºs will that I learn this lesson, this was the revelation: You have only baptized one person because you need to learn to glorify God not think all your baptisms were done by you. 
  Also this ´´baptism´´, this child of God is going to be one of the most amazing missionaries this side of the island will ever have seen. Luis has taught me so much. The friendships I have here are priceless. We can work so hard and not see as much noticeable success as we think we deserve but when we have enough desire to continue and continue then our lives will be blessed. Whether it will be a greater ability to go and do what is needed or to live in happiness with the things outside of our control. I really mean this when I say it but I can feel the support I have from everyone, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

-Elder Judd

ps Something I still havenºt figured out how to do is increase someoneºs desire to do the right thing. Well, I love you. Transfers have been nuts. We had a monsoon type rain storm this week, running through rivers going down the middle of the road. Way fun. Also, Iºm super excited for general conference. Oh, I also lost my voice super bad this past week. It was completely gone, haha, making it difficult to contact on the street or talk in lessons. 
  Iºm learning lots everyday, donºt worry about me. Wish I could talk more, love you.

Haha, so many questions still. Patience dear mother. First off, I love you. Second off, we go to church in a rented out space next to a eatery. We have almost almost 300 members here but around 70 that come to church. The missionaries before us were not the most obedient but they sure baptized a lot, they were not even teaching all that was necissary before baptism. Basically baptizing less-actives. Anyways, that is crazy to hear about our ward though. The work of the Lord isnºt going to do itself we all need to be active participants. We have 6 or more lessons a day planned but one maaaybe two actually work out so we do lots of street contacts. 
  Iºm great physically I could exercise more though, to be honest. We eat out at the local restuarants. Just owned by random people, no franchises obviously. Iºll be sending the real email so just wait a little.

Elder Judd

from his companion Elder Drawe:
Me and Elder Judd are staying in Tarrafall. We will be moving into the beauty house this week as well....just a small blessing that got figured out today. Also this week we were blessed to have a baptism. His name is Luis. He is that investigator teaching our other investigators, trying to get them go to church and read the scriptures. Yeah, he will be such a great missionary and such a great contributor to the ward of Tarrafall! Also the other Elders helped a young lady that is in a wheel chair get baptized. It was just an amazing baptism. To tell you the truth, it has been about 6 months since the whole District of Tarrafall all baptized on a Saturday, so literally we were so blessed this past week! We also are teaching a family. Its the family of Luis. They are so amazing! I love them! We just started teaching them and really its going to take some work and a whole lot of help from on top. So this week if you guys could do a huge favor for me and just pray your little hearts out for them and also for another investigator that we have that is having a hard time accepting the message. If you guys could do that, I know that miracles will happen! 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

One Happy Momma! I found his Companions blog! (and stole stuff from it!)

from Elder Drawe's blog:   So this week what another great week that I learned alot. Literally sometimes me and Elder Judd just walk and talk about life and stuff its pretty sweet. But this week we were talking about Prayer. We figured out that prayer is not to change the will of God but to gain the vison that he has. So for example, here in Cape Verde, there is alot of people that ask God for work. They rarely gain work..but yet God blesses them with knowledge and the will to look. But half the time they don´t realize that. Its interesting how God blesses us. He never gives us things on a plater but he gives us desires, strengths etc. But its our job to act on the disires. So we have made a goal not to ask for baptisms, strengths, abilities..etc. We decided that we pray for desires and for us to realize opportunites to serve and excercise our power to act. Just with these little changes in our prayers we have been able to find two families and some new investigators. Literally the Lord works in mysterious ways. But its our job to understand His nature and then change our life accordingly, and prayer has the power to see his point of view and to really know the nature of our Father in Heaven. Prayer is a pretty sweet principle! 
Well pretty much the joke these days is that its blazing hot out side. Like literally you guys should see us after a days work. Its soooooooooooooooooooooooo gross. Also the tan lines that we get are freaking killer. Played basketball today and had a reg. shirt on and it was freaking funny! My tan line is crazy! Also Elder Judd is getting eaten alive out here. Sad...but funny!
However, I got Filho (son) 2.00. He is super cool! He is from American Fork, Utah. He really just wants to work his butt off out here and wants to be obedient. Nothing more I can ask for. He is the golden Child!  He already speaks the language and is humble enough to take some input and everything. So last night we had a lesson, about Joseph Smith and it was a pretty good lesson and he just got super pumped after the lesson and just jumped up and down and just was so pumped. Yep he is my Elder Calhoon!

Short Note- 94 weeks to go (don't worry he doesn't know I'm counting.)

  This past week was the fastest week of my life so Iºm going to make this entry short. Our investigator and super close friend Luis has not yet been baptized but is already strong in the faith of Christ, he has already been doing missionary work! After a lesson with our other investigator Na, which he sat in on, he went up to her and offered some words of encouragement and help. He then got her phone number and marked a date that he could pass by and talk more with her. From after the first lesson we had with him Iºve kept saying that he is going to go a serve a phenominal mission. 
  I just want to say to anyone reading this how much of a impact you have made on me and to my parents who are the reason the Gospel, the way to happiness, is in my life. Thank you all.

Elder Judd

No, we havenºt moved yet but we will probably this next transfer to a place that has air conditioning... I donºt want to jinx it though. Haha, to be serious I am beginning to love the weather. The other day it was probably 65 or 70 degrees because it had been raining so I went out with my cardigan, hahaha! Thanks, but Iºm good on stuff. Iºve realized how little really is needed to survive and have a comfortable life. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

 This past week has been hard at parts but overall I have learned a major lesson from a major mistake. We got out of teaching a crazy lesson to walk out and see 5 guys holding down a girl and a huge crowd gathered around. She was struggling against them and at first I thought she was having a seizure. When we asked what had happened they explained that her and her boyfriend got in a big fight and he pushed her off this 5 foot ledge and so she was trying to go and find something to kill him with so that is why all the guys were holding her down. My companion was super freaked out by all of this but he suggested we give a blessing but he just kept backing up and backing up. In my mind I was creating excuses that Iºm just the junior comp., if I were to give her a blessing I would forcibly have to hold her head and she would struggle like crazy, and other excuses. Our window of opportunity was very short because the Hilux (truck) came within one minute. She stopped yelling for a few seconds and then let out the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard and my companion jumped about a foot off the ground. Regardless we should have given her a blessing. I felt absolutely horrible afterwards. So I decided I will never ever make that same mistake again. 
   The Lord provided me with a way to redeem myself and exercise the priesthood. Later in the week we asked a member as we passed by if there was anything that we could do to help her, she said ´´no, not really´´ and as we were way down the road I hear a tiny voice saying ´´Elders``. When we got back up there she told us that her baby has been crying nonstop all day and has been really hot. Elder Drawe told me that I would be giving the blessing. Another mini-miracle was that morning I had this weird feeling like I should carry my white bible with me, which would be the first time in my whole mission that I would carry it with me, but I needed it to understand how to give the blessing in Portguese. As I laid my hands upon this screaming baby the very instant that I began speaking she became completely silent as if she had fallen asleep in one second. After the blessing which I could not have given, which the spirit gave, I looked down to see her eyes completely open and looking up at me. The following day we passed by the father and he told us the baby has been completely fine ever since.
  Pres. Mathews paid an unexpected visit to Terrafal on Sunday and told us we need to focus just on finding and teaching families so we began fasting for that very thing. That same day we found two families that we can now teach. Fasting in Africa can be kinda rough but it is more than worth it.
  Other less significant things throughout the week: We had a wedding where we got to help out a lot and make some awesome cakes. We had a drunk man the other day come up to us and began singing to us and slow dancing with me... it was an experience I guess you could say.
Mormon 9:3-4 this really has helped our investigators understand what hell really would be. Along with being without your family.
Alma 12:14-15 this has helped me realize some important things about my weakness.

God be with you all,
-Elder Judd

Monday, September 8, 2014

Tired and Blessed

  I have never been more tired in my life or more blessed. I fell asleep a few nights ago while my companion was saying our nightly prayer. He kept hitting me with a pillow afterwards but I wouldnºt wake up so he just went to bed. I wouldnºt believe him that I fell alseep on my knees, except for the party that woke me up in the middle of the night, haha.
  This past week I learned the importance of prayer, a little bit better. As we sat on the couch and were about to begin teaching this one lesson to our friend and investigator To, Elder Drawe and I both felt like we should say a quick prayer right there in between the two of us. It seemed like a weird thing to do afterwards but it felt right at the time. Anyways, we begin teaching and his parents, who had previously refused to speak with us, came into the lesson with the rest of the big family and wanted us to teach them to. It was a miracle that was even very apparent, because the day before our Mission President had emphasized the great Great need to teach and invite and help Families unto Christ. What a blessing from God.
  Most things donºt really surpise me here anymore but yesterday something really hit me hard. We taught this couple who were in their 40ºs, and soon found out that they didnºt understand Portuguese and only understood basic criole and couldnºt read or write. It really caught me off guard, yet it was so wonderful as they told us how their friend used to be illiterate as well before but when she began trying to read the Livro de Mormon that she is now able to read and understand, that is a real miracle that God can give to the humble and faithful.
  The humble are willing to ask. We must ask. Asking is acting. Mark 9:24 is a scripture that becomes more significant to me as my companion and I invite others to simply ask. We do not want to charm them or persaude them, we want to point them to ask God.
With all my love,
-Elder Judd

Oh and I forgot to tell you that Iºve been helping plan a wedding here for some recent converts! We get to make 2 cakes for it! You would be so proud of me! It is tomorrow so I will send you some pictures next week. (Oh I've taught him well..:)

We do service when ever the opportunity arises. Like today, we helped Mcguiver this umbrella that broke from the wind for this lady.

Living conditions are almost American, but sometimes a have to shower with a bucket of cold water in the dark. We eat a lot of cereal but sometimes we make pasta or something and we eat out a lot. Classic Cape Verde dish is exactly this: rice, beans, fries, and chicken. 

 I feel your pain of house shopping... we have looked at probably 25-30 houses so far. SOO MANY, but none of them can really work for us because the specifications they give us are super difficult, but today I think we actually found one! Donºt worry about me, Iºm fine. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ants and cockroaches

 Too much to include: killing cockroaches, eats ants in my cereal, listening to Cabo Verdean Parties go from 10pm to 6:30am right outside our house, teaching to, ti, ta, na, di, and other people with cool names (like this guy named jet li), getting eaten alive by mosquitos, haha, and getting to teach the biggest thugs in Terrafal. This is the best place in the world, I am pretty sure.
  I have really been able to feel all the prayers and I am so grateful for the things that God has blessed me with, specifically the almost infinite amount of small things. Miracles are happening here in Cabo Verde, and even though Terraffal hasnºt had a baptism in over a month this doesnºt matter at all, even though, on average, 85% of lessons fall through and all the baptisms have fallen through as well, so far: it isnºt our work, it is the work of the Lord. We get the opportunity to share the most important message they will ever hear and their life: the glad tidings. God could do his work himself but he is kind enough to let others help so that they can  be helped.
  #1 thing I learned so far: Glorify God, because it is not about you. I want to be the missionary who isnºt the best but rather relies on God for other people and their eternal Salvation.
  My Companion is literally the best missionary for me. I have learned so much and he is one of my best friends. He is always doing service for me, as Christ would.
  I can testify that God prepares his children who are willing: my friend and nonmember, Luis, went and prayed for his first time and asked God "Is the Book of Mormon a true book" and before he even finished his prayer he could look into my eyes and say with conviction and actual feeling that God gave him and answer. He is 17 and after he is baptized he will be one of the greatest missionaries Cabo Verde will have ever sent out.
  DC 76:40-42
  Alma 5:7-9
  Alma 34:29,30,32

I thank our loving heavenly father for my support back home,
With love,

-Elder Judd

Monday, August 25, 2014

map showing Terrafal


Africa. I can´t even begin to explain how amazing it has already been. The Mission president and wife are so wonderful! i donºt have the time to correct anything, by the way. everyday just gets better and better, i really donºt know why i have been so blessed. the first night in praia i went out teaching with this legendary missionary from brasil, he was so awesome and i actually said some stuff in the lessons. the portuguese has been the hardest part for me to get used to because nobody speaks portuguese! Everyone only speaks in Criole so I am pretty much always lost. And in that first lesson the lights totally went out and so we taught half a lesson in absolutely pitch black which, by this point, seemed totally normal. the things i have seen already would definitely not be seen in the United states but this has made it all the better!
I got my trainer on thursday and the mission president gave me the absolute best! Elder Drawe from Hurricane Utah, and I know you will all unitentionally judge him off of that but he is honestly the best mission dad i could get. my mission grandpa (my trainerºs trainer) is one of the APs. the missionaries here are absolutely awesome.
The ride to my new área, Terrafal, was beyond stunning. it had rained recently and so on our ride through the mountians we drove up into the clouds. The 12 person van we fit 23 people into it, with a driver who knew how to get around without hitting anyone, not getting him, and going as fast as was possible.
We had a talento show this past saturday, which was a great activity for new investigators. Dancing and singing is a huge part of cabo verdean culture. Everyone here is much more open with everything and people will always say hi when you walk past them in the street. We had a record number of people come to church this sunday, 82, where we only expected 60.
We taught a chinese lady who only knew mandarin who had a friend that could translate to criole. We then had Paulo, a member of the bishopbric,, translate from criole to portuguese then when i wasnºt understanding everything, Elder Drawe would translate to English. This is life here in Cabo Verde. I think I am the first greenie to get called to Terrafal, I already love it here but there is sure a lot of work to be done.
One lesson was supposed to be to this great lady, Na, but when we started there were some women from the relief society who showed up and wanted to be part of the lesson. After a minute a few more women showed up, then a few more, then a few more, then a few kids, then a dog. Soon there were almost 15 people packed into this tiny super hot room...Mom, I donºt know how you do it, that many ladies together spells trouble. They were super chatty and the lesson was super difficult.
I have so many other experiences I could share but we get next to no time here. Ether 12, great chapter, really helps.

Love always,
Elder Judd

Thursday, August 21, 2014

HE IS IN CAPE VERDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got in this morning, am alive, and and am in love with this place! Some of the things I've seen already, oh man! Write soon.

(Did a mother's heart good to get this one!) He called from the airport in Minneapolis to talk to me. (He choked up when he heard my voice, he hasn't missed us at all, so that was a very sweet moment.) Boston layover he was able to talk to the kids after school and Jon who had just flown into New York. Jon got to the airport in the morning right as Chandler's plane was leaving. I thought he should go a little early for his flight, but Jon was sure he wouldn't recover from another goodbye. It seems like FOREVER since we have seen him. 6 weeks down, 98 to go....  Poor boy was so sick, what a way to take a 30 hour flight.

Last email from the MTC

I leave to Cabo Verde in less than 9 hours and it is nuts!!! I am so excited! I will be calling while in Boston tomorrow around 3~5pm. Unless you want me to call at ~9:30am from Minneapolis? Only ~30 hours of travel, it could be way worse. You can answer if you want or not, it's all cool, but please do. 

I don't really know the language of Portuguese, and this is going to be a big and, not going to lie, tough change but it is going to be so worth every second of it. I love you all. SO much!!! I need to rely on the Lord more than ever, which is apparent here. It is not quite as apparent when it is a normal summer and starting back at school. I don't even want to be the best missionary anymore, I want to be the missionary who relies on the Lord more than he thought was possible for him. I have grown so much and so much closer to Christ. God has blessed me more than I ever truly thought. Charity=Atonement=Christ=Change. The Gospel is true. The Gospel is simple. We can and must find the Gospel more fully by Prayer. By Scriptures. By our desires, thoughts, actions, and who we become. Every person is a Child of God with Divine Potential. Happiness is a symptom of Gratitude. I love you all, but more importantly God loves you perfectly and infinitely. Nothing more can be said.

Cabo Verde, Here I Come!
Pray for the people of Cabo Verde, Thanks!

-Elder Judd 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Less than a week before jet plane time!

August 12, 2014  

Somehow every week just gets better and better. God is truly so good to us. I have learned that we find greater miracles when we appreciate the small and simple things. I have seen irrefutable evidences that God has reached his hand down during the day and directed me to a scripture or touch my heart with patience I didn't know I had. I feel him when I pray, and I can tell now better than ever the people who have met God in their lives. We must become more than just acquainted with our Heavenly Father but must become an obedient child that will do all they can to make their father and mother proud. Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little. God is personal.
  This past week a spiritual giant left our district's lives here in the MTC. Our teacher Irmao Nielson, the most honest and gentle man I have ever met, got married to another Portuguese teacher who was nearly perfect for him. The last day was hard to say goodbye to him, how strange? A man whom we had only known for several weeks had become a friend to each one of us. He was as gentle as Christ, quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. (he actually doesn't get angry, it isn't possible for him) 
  During the week I had the most difficult day so far at the MTC, I had not been as diligent and my patience had worn thin and my pride was too puffed up. We slowly, very slowly, become desensitized to the things in life that are not at full potential. Desensitization. I was comparing myself to others and when I compare it is all too easy to get distraught and see how worthless I can be, but those thoughts are not of God. To call someone worthless (including yourself) is to mock a creation of God. "It was never between you and them anyway" (Mother Teresa) it is only between you and God. But overall that day was still a wonderful day, oh, how blessed I am. Oh, how blessed we all are when we focus on what we have been gifted from our Father. 
  The one and only thing I need you all to remember from this though is to watch the new Mormon Message "Hope of God's Light". It will touch you in a way that a thousand emails couldn't. Please watch it with this in mind: 'Never. Never give up hope in that one person, we all have people that come to mind who are struggling. How can we help them come unto the Healer of all.' (I cannot help but cry each time I watch this video)
  In less then a week I will be on a plane flying to the Islands of Cabo Verde, into a Land of Light, into a land where English will not be heard, into a land where God's influence is. And I have been blessed to go there.
(Romans Chapter 8 is a good 'must-read', on a random note.)
Love, always,
-Elder Judd