Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Yucky mosquitos

I literally only had 10 minutes so you were the only person I wrote to besides President. He gave us permission to use internet for a little bit this morning so Iºll be fast. 
  After a couple weeks of mosquitos and getting around 100 bites all over my body I have just gotten completely used to them. They donºt bother me anymore which has been really nice. I have actually been gaining weight out here on the mission, and yes, it is possible to gain weight in Africa. I love the food! Rice and beans and french fries and chicken and it is the norm to cover all that in Cape Verdean mayonaise which is honestly the best creation in the world. It is not anything like american mayo, it is sent straight from heaven above. 
  Luis is doing really great thank you so much for asking, we are going to go teaching with him this next week which is going to be really amazing (Iºm sure he is just an amazing teacher because of how dang intellegent he is) He is doing fine because his family is pretty supportive which is great. The work out here is just that: work. And I am so grateful it is that way. I just canºt thank you enough mother for you teaching me that there is no substitution to work. Because of your teaching it never has been hard for me to adjust to the work load. 
  We got to watch a very choppy conference that would stop working every few minutes and we would have to either wait a long time or reload the page then wait a long time. It was in a hard accent of portuguese so it was really difficult to understand but I still got some great things from it anyway. I have never been personally grateful for the load that the prophet willingly bears. The burden of this generation is upon his shoulders and because he is obviously human it weighs him down so here in the mission we have been praying for him with a lot more energy of heart. Thanks also to you and dad who always made conference something special in our home because I will forever remember the feeling of togetherness we had while eating some way good cinnamon rolls. 
  I am incredibly grateful for the two new missionaries in our house, they both are about to finish their missions. They know the scriptures so well and Iºve already learned amazing things that I never knew previously or, frankly, thought about. Interviews with president yesterday was amazing, my pen was flying taking so many notes from what he was saying to me. I am learning to be more patient so I can follow in the footsteps of both of my parents and maybe come at least close to how amazing they are. 
 I love you all... like, a lot!

-Elder Judd

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