Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ants and cockroaches

 Too much to include: killing cockroaches, eats ants in my cereal, listening to Cabo Verdean Parties go from 10pm to 6:30am right outside our house, teaching to, ti, ta, na, di, and other people with cool names (like this guy named jet li), getting eaten alive by mosquitos, haha, and getting to teach the biggest thugs in Terrafal. This is the best place in the world, I am pretty sure.
  I have really been able to feel all the prayers and I am so grateful for the things that God has blessed me with, specifically the almost infinite amount of small things. Miracles are happening here in Cabo Verde, and even though Terraffal hasnºt had a baptism in over a month this doesnºt matter at all, even though, on average, 85% of lessons fall through and all the baptisms have fallen through as well, so far: it isnºt our work, it is the work of the Lord. We get the opportunity to share the most important message they will ever hear and their life: the glad tidings. God could do his work himself but he is kind enough to let others help so that they can  be helped.
  #1 thing I learned so far: Glorify God, because it is not about you. I want to be the missionary who isnºt the best but rather relies on God for other people and their eternal Salvation.
  My Companion is literally the best missionary for me. I have learned so much and he is one of my best friends. He is always doing service for me, as Christ would.
  I can testify that God prepares his children who are willing: my friend and nonmember, Luis, went and prayed for his first time and asked God "Is the Book of Mormon a true book" and before he even finished his prayer he could look into my eyes and say with conviction and actual feeling that God gave him and answer. He is 17 and after he is baptized he will be one of the greatest missionaries Cabo Verde will have ever sent out.
  DC 76:40-42
  Alma 5:7-9
  Alma 34:29,30,32

I thank our loving heavenly father for my support back home,
With love,

-Elder Judd

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