Thursday, September 25, 2014

Short Note- 94 weeks to go (don't worry he doesn't know I'm counting.)

  This past week was the fastest week of my life so Iºm going to make this entry short. Our investigator and super close friend Luis has not yet been baptized but is already strong in the faith of Christ, he has already been doing missionary work! After a lesson with our other investigator Na, which he sat in on, he went up to her and offered some words of encouragement and help. He then got her phone number and marked a date that he could pass by and talk more with her. From after the first lesson we had with him Iºve kept saying that he is going to go a serve a phenominal mission. 
  I just want to say to anyone reading this how much of a impact you have made on me and to my parents who are the reason the Gospel, the way to happiness, is in my life. Thank you all.

Elder Judd

No, we havenºt moved yet but we will probably this next transfer to a place that has air conditioning... I donºt want to jinx it though. Haha, to be serious I am beginning to love the weather. The other day it was probably 65 or 70 degrees because it had been raining so I went out with my cardigan, hahaha! Thanks, but Iºm good on stuff. Iºve realized how little really is needed to survive and have a comfortable life. 

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