Thursday, August 21, 2014

Last email from the MTC

I leave to Cabo Verde in less than 9 hours and it is nuts!!! I am so excited! I will be calling while in Boston tomorrow around 3~5pm. Unless you want me to call at ~9:30am from Minneapolis? Only ~30 hours of travel, it could be way worse. You can answer if you want or not, it's all cool, but please do. 

I don't really know the language of Portuguese, and this is going to be a big and, not going to lie, tough change but it is going to be so worth every second of it. I love you all. SO much!!! I need to rely on the Lord more than ever, which is apparent here. It is not quite as apparent when it is a normal summer and starting back at school. I don't even want to be the best missionary anymore, I want to be the missionary who relies on the Lord more than he thought was possible for him. I have grown so much and so much closer to Christ. God has blessed me more than I ever truly thought. Charity=Atonement=Christ=Change. The Gospel is true. The Gospel is simple. We can and must find the Gospel more fully by Prayer. By Scriptures. By our desires, thoughts, actions, and who we become. Every person is a Child of God with Divine Potential. Happiness is a symptom of Gratitude. I love you all, but more importantly God loves you perfectly and infinitely. Nothing more can be said.

Cabo Verde, Here I Come!
Pray for the people of Cabo Verde, Thanks!

-Elder Judd 

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