Monday, November 3, 2014

Oct 27th

Dear Mother,
  I will tell you the hard parts of my mission: that baptism of Nelson, the boxer, fell through because Satan influencing him to think he is not ready, similar a dozen other baptisms we would have had that fell due to some reason. It is sad to see the fact that it is almost unheard of to find families where they had a Mom and Dad that have been married and not left each other. Always they have kids out of wedlock then the guy bounces. The amount of alcoholism is staggering here, on average we have about 5 experiences every day with drunk people. The part that is perhaps harder than that is the number of members that backbite and are not truly converted to the Gospel of Christ. Soo much gossiping and drama. After a Correlation meeting with almost zero charity I went home absolutely sad and without Elder Drawe. I have never felt more alone in my life, and dreaded how bad of an impact I would then have on the greenie I was going to be on a division with and training. I prayed with all my heart to God but only felt the very smallest of feelings, as I soon began getting back into focusing on the investigators that feeling of loneliness left me and never returned. 
   I love hearing about Womenºs Conference! Wow! Life seems to be a bit crazy for you all but pretty rewarding. Iºm so blessed to say that Christi Judd is my mom, Iºm the luckiest son to the greatest parents I could ever have. I really mean that too! Not much time, sorry.
-People here wear tons of stuff with Utah stuff on it, practically everyone has at least one shirt. Iºm guessing it is because of D.I. maybe?
-Wheelchairs with a patch of the Churchºs title on the back, can be seen ridden by a couple crippled people here in Tarrafal.
-Our new Bispo owns a little furnace to make cookies and cakes so he walks around all the time with a bucket full of cookies to give out to people. He is one of the most Christlike people I have ever met.
-We had 300 people in Tarrafal Crismar or ºchristen?º in the Catholic church and that night I have never seen more drunk people in one city. We found one guy to talk to that wasnºt drunk though, it was crazy. 
-The next day a Cape Verdean Funeral where the whole town was wearing black and you could hear women wailing with all their might and crying as much as possible, it is a lot different culture here.
Yup, that is about everything this week. Love you to the moon and back!
Elder Judd

 I have to apologize for those last emails! I am just being so negative! Sorry! Really though I wouldnºt have enough room to talk about all the great things about Cape Verde and my mission. God is a God of mercy, God is Love. I have learned so much but just like Nephi and even moreso: I do not know the condesension of God or the meaning of all things but I know with all my heart, without a shadow of a doubt that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us. Mom, When I imagine the women in the life of Christ that worshipped him, had such faith in him, and followed him I always imagine you among that elect group. I love you all so much and am slowly learning the meaning of the Gospel which is really just life day by day little by little. Sorry Iºve been demanding of you even way out here in Africa.
  Something fun for you of all the cool things Iºve eaten: eel, octopus, fish heads, red bananas, and all sorts of crazy crazy fruits, and lots of cornflakes and sphagetti too, haha. Have a wonderful week!
Elder Judd
(he is so sweet and the farthest thing from a demanding kid! Funny boy, he asked me one favor)

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