Monday, September 8, 2014

Tired and Blessed

  I have never been more tired in my life or more blessed. I fell asleep a few nights ago while my companion was saying our nightly prayer. He kept hitting me with a pillow afterwards but I wouldnºt wake up so he just went to bed. I wouldnºt believe him that I fell alseep on my knees, except for the party that woke me up in the middle of the night, haha.
  This past week I learned the importance of prayer, a little bit better. As we sat on the couch and were about to begin teaching this one lesson to our friend and investigator To, Elder Drawe and I both felt like we should say a quick prayer right there in between the two of us. It seemed like a weird thing to do afterwards but it felt right at the time. Anyways, we begin teaching and his parents, who had previously refused to speak with us, came into the lesson with the rest of the big family and wanted us to teach them to. It was a miracle that was even very apparent, because the day before our Mission President had emphasized the great Great need to teach and invite and help Families unto Christ. What a blessing from God.
  Most things donºt really surpise me here anymore but yesterday something really hit me hard. We taught this couple who were in their 40ºs, and soon found out that they didnºt understand Portuguese and only understood basic criole and couldnºt read or write. It really caught me off guard, yet it was so wonderful as they told us how their friend used to be illiterate as well before but when she began trying to read the Livro de Mormon that she is now able to read and understand, that is a real miracle that God can give to the humble and faithful.
  The humble are willing to ask. We must ask. Asking is acting. Mark 9:24 is a scripture that becomes more significant to me as my companion and I invite others to simply ask. We do not want to charm them or persaude them, we want to point them to ask God.
With all my love,
-Elder Judd

Oh and I forgot to tell you that Iºve been helping plan a wedding here for some recent converts! We get to make 2 cakes for it! You would be so proud of me! It is tomorrow so I will send you some pictures next week. (Oh I've taught him well..:)

We do service when ever the opportunity arises. Like today, we helped Mcguiver this umbrella that broke from the wind for this lady.

Living conditions are almost American, but sometimes a have to shower with a bucket of cold water in the dark. We eat a lot of cereal but sometimes we make pasta or something and we eat out a lot. Classic Cape Verde dish is exactly this: rice, beans, fries, and chicken. 

 I feel your pain of house shopping... we have looked at probably 25-30 houses so far. SOO MANY, but none of them can really work for us because the specifications they give us are super difficult, but today I think we actually found one! Donºt worry about me, Iºm fine. 

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