Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dec 1, 2014

THANKS FOR THE PACKAGES!!!! THE MARSHMALLOWS WERE AMAZING!!! We roasted them over our stove. I stood there on the kitchen floor hugging that piece of paper, having a special moment here in Cabo Verde. I hope that Thanksgiving was great!
  I am so thankful for my parents, family, ward, friends, mission,*investigators, *bishop, *companion, *district, and for everything that the Lord provides us. I love you so much!
Elder Judd

from Mom- "What, that is all? " you are asking? Why yes it is!!! The whole letter for the week. STINKER

but once again his companion saves the day:
From Elder Drawe's blog:

This Thanksgiving was pretty good! We ate our favorite restuarant Maracujá. Super good. We had some crepes and then a desert crepe. Turkey is not very common here in Cape Verde. But yeah we sat there and talked for a little bit then we said ten things that we were thankful for in that year. Yeah, I know, tender..Elder Judd talked about High School and stuff and the first three months of the mission. Kinda weird that he graduated high school like six months ago. I talked about the memories I have made in Santo Antao and also Calheta. Two fantastic areas that I have made so many memories!.After words we just worked hard and then we just hit the pillow every single night!

Well update on Fogo, it got better for a little bit but today the volcano opened in six different spots. A couple of weeks ago, they transfered the sisters out. I don´t know what is going to happen with everyone. But please keep them in your prayers, those guys don´t deserve any of this! But I think I am going to give all the stuff you guys sent to me, to Fogo. There was a city that got burned, lots of houses, etc. So they prolly need all that stuff more. 

Also update on the work here..its going pretty well! I am so grateful that things are picking up. Literally we can see the hand of the Lord in the work soo much! This week we pray that we can help a family to make their first convenants this week end! They are so dang sweet! She always says! "What day am I making Cachupa for you guys?" haha she says she is a specialist in cow parts cachupa...hahah yeah stoked.   So if you guys could remember them in your prayer at night and morning that would be appreciated!

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