Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 17, 2014

 Sorry for not having much time, but I know how great you always are so I've been trying to focus on those who need it most. Love you to the sun and back though! Next week I'll send a good email, haha.
 I haven't bought a camera yet, I wasn't sure if you were going to send it in a package but I think that would be the best option. Also I would love another journal or two because this one is already full. (I haven't missed a day yet, yay) And if it isn't to much to ask, could I get scripture mastery reference cards so I can get more references memorized to use? I really apologize for only asking things from you, as I have my whole life. It kills me just being so needy! Covering the package in Mother Mary pictures should help out with theives. Also, an idea, that for a Christmas Package to me you can send as much as you'd like so that I can give it to the church to distribute it out for families to have Christmas in Tarrafal. No more time, ahhh!

Love you with my whole heart! The Lord will bless you for sacrifice! Love you again!
Elder Judd
Sister Drawe and the Whole Drawe Family!

  I have to apologize for not writing sooner to say thank you. Thank you for your son! I am aware you already know how amazing he is but I don't think it could be said enough! He even shared his package with me! He was so willing to give me my favorite cereal ever, Lucky Charms! I would just like to reasure you all know that he is doing wonderful in his mission. He has taught me to work hard but enjoy every sunset, every moment, and every person. 
  I know the Lord blessed me with Elder Drawe as my trainer because of the specific things I have already learned from him. It also doesn't hurt that we are best friends! You raised a great son, and the willingness of each and every one of you to support him is a testimony to the Lord of your willingness to sacrifice. And I've learned: Sacrifice is love. I am grateful for Christ's sacrifice for each and every one of us. The Lord is the perfect teacher and through His spirit we learn of His Atonement. It isn't just in church, it is in life. The Gospel is life. Life is the Gospel. There is no disconnect, and although we do not know the meaning of all things, even as the great prophet Nephi didn't (1 Ne. 11:17-18), we can know the we have a Loving Heavenly Father. Elder Drawe really is someone special in the lives of so many people, and the members in the Drawe family are as well. We have God to thank for this blessing. May God bless you all with quality time together this holiday season!

Have a Dougie-Fresh Christmas!
-Elder Judd


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