Monday, November 3, 2014

October 20

This past week has been crazy and crazy-good too! I got to go on 2 divisions and both of them where I was the senior companion leading the other (much older) missionaries around Tarrafal, it was a great learning experience. I had another learning experience where I went on a division with a new greenie that has been here for 2 weeks. A greenie training a greenie. This was a great opportunity for me to know how training is and also for him to have someone to connect to, because of how new I am too. That day where I was training the greenie was the most successful day that we have had here in Tarrafal number-wise. The Elder Farnsworth, the greenie, had such a fire for missionary work and absolutely zero fear for talking to anyone. He will go so far in life.
  Nelson, one of our investigators, will be getting baptized this next week and then the week after will be flying out to Portugal to represent Santiago in a boxing that guy so much. His desire is so strong that every problem he has had he has fought to overcome and with Christ he has easily each time. The people here in Cabo Verde are incredibly open and honest and god fearing people. The dynamic of the culture literally makes this place a land of light and a place of bliss. 
  Sorry for not having a lot to write, it just gives more time for whoever reads this to go do something with someone they love.

Elder Judd

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