Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 24, 2014

Mother Dearest!
  Sorry how horrible I have been at emailing recently but time is literally my worst enemy. I honestly couldnºt describe how fast time has been going out here. It is bittersweet. Iºm sorry! Anyway, about Fogo: I can see the volcano from the street and can see the smoke coming from the volcano. It is so crazy to see that it is actually real and not just one of those classic volcano pictures! No one has been hurt and so it is really nothing. Haha, an investigator family we are becoming great friends with said that there are going to be earthquakes soon and that if we have a real bad earthquake that the island of Brava will sink, hahaha. Everything is fine of course but it was just funny to hear what they were saying about it. The people here have such a different sense of humor but I have come to love it so much. Haha, the other day I called a really great member in our ward a beast, while he was working super hard at a service project, but apparently it is super offensive here. Yeah.... that has happened a lot more than just once, haha, but the people here are completely understanding.
  Iºm sure that Elder Leavittºs talk was absolutely amazing. I love hearing things about the ward because I can completely feel the prayers of those people all the way out here in Cabo Verde, it is really an amazing thing to experience. Mom, that is really great to hear about Relief Society and crazy that I donºt know those people. Regardless of change the Gospel of the Lord is still true.
  Lately Iºve been thinking a lot about the Atonement and the Plan of Salvation and Iºve been so grateful for the desire the Lord has blessed me with to learn as much as I possibly can and expand my understanding about the mysteries of God. It allows us to enjoy life in a new way, a deeper way. I couldnºt ever give the Thanks to God that He deserves.
  ... Is Stefano living at home?? If so tell him that I love him so much! 
 The package is a surprise when you get it. (I havenºt gotten the Christmas package yet but the other two yes)  Love you more than you could imagine!

Elder Judd

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