Monday, October 13, 2014

No more American Missionaries

 Time is a paradox for me, it seems to go so fast but I feel Iºve already been here for such a long time. I am grateful for the time I do have because it goes by in the blink of an eye. We have already begun listening to Christmas music, haha. The things we hear about that happening in the world only prove how badly the world needs Godºs message of hope. No more American Missionaries will come here until the Ebola outbreak is done. Just one more miracle in my life that I was allowed to come here before it was shut done. 
  Oh, but the future here is so bright. I can say with great surity that within the next five years Cabo Verde will have a Temple in Praia, with a stake in the north side of Santiago. Our Bishop was released and the new Bishop, what a truly Christlike person. Always willing to give us cookies (which my body definitely does not need), literally willing to give the very shirt of his back as well.
  I used to dislike ºbearing my testimonyº because I didnºt want to sound preachy, but now my testimony isnºt something preachy but Iºm just telling about my life and I know that the spirit will touch them because not only is the Gospel absolutely true but will absolutely bless them in ways they canºt know unless they live it. I can now say that I know that the scriptures are inspired words that can and will apply to each person, each situation, each question. I love the Lord will all my heart. Any who do not ºknowº please just base your faith off of the reality of a loving Heavenly Father. I canºt thank God enough for every minute of my blessed life and for the lives of my family hear in Cabo Verde and back in Utah.
Elder Judd

From Elder Drawe: Well this week was a very great week like literally everyday, me and Elder Judd were just like freak! We did work today! Also this week we had another baptism. Her name is Lazi. She is literally a miracle. Her whole entire life she has said that the Catholic Church is the only true church, until she visited the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She noticed something different. Then we started teaching her, then she was just blown away about the feelings that she has felt. Then she was baptized! She is super cool! 

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