Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Less than a week before jet plane time!

August 12, 2014  

Somehow every week just gets better and better. God is truly so good to us. I have learned that we find greater miracles when we appreciate the small and simple things. I have seen irrefutable evidences that God has reached his hand down during the day and directed me to a scripture or touch my heart with patience I didn't know I had. I feel him when I pray, and I can tell now better than ever the people who have met God in their lives. We must become more than just acquainted with our Heavenly Father but must become an obedient child that will do all they can to make their father and mother proud. Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little. God is personal.
  This past week a spiritual giant left our district's lives here in the MTC. Our teacher Irmao Nielson, the most honest and gentle man I have ever met, got married to another Portuguese teacher who was nearly perfect for him. The last day was hard to say goodbye to him, how strange? A man whom we had only known for several weeks had become a friend to each one of us. He was as gentle as Christ, quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. (he actually doesn't get angry, it isn't possible for him) 
  During the week I had the most difficult day so far at the MTC, I had not been as diligent and my patience had worn thin and my pride was too puffed up. We slowly, very slowly, become desensitized to the things in life that are not at full potential. Desensitization. I was comparing myself to others and when I compare it is all too easy to get distraught and see how worthless I can be, but those thoughts are not of God. To call someone worthless (including yourself) is to mock a creation of God. "It was never between you and them anyway" (Mother Teresa) it is only between you and God. But overall that day was still a wonderful day, oh, how blessed I am. Oh, how blessed we all are when we focus on what we have been gifted from our Father. 
  The one and only thing I need you all to remember from this though is to watch the new Mormon Message "Hope of God's Light". It will touch you in a way that a thousand emails couldn't. Please watch it with this in mind: 'Never. Never give up hope in that one person, we all have people that come to mind who are struggling. How can we help them come unto the Healer of all.' (I cannot help but cry each time I watch this video)
  In less then a week I will be on a plane flying to the Islands of Cabo Verde, into a Land of Light, into a land where English will not be heard, into a land where God's influence is. And I have been blessed to go there.
(Romans Chapter 8 is a good 'must-read', on a random note.)
Love, always,
-Elder Judd

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