Monday, September 15, 2014

 This past week has been hard at parts but overall I have learned a major lesson from a major mistake. We got out of teaching a crazy lesson to walk out and see 5 guys holding down a girl and a huge crowd gathered around. She was struggling against them and at first I thought she was having a seizure. When we asked what had happened they explained that her and her boyfriend got in a big fight and he pushed her off this 5 foot ledge and so she was trying to go and find something to kill him with so that is why all the guys were holding her down. My companion was super freaked out by all of this but he suggested we give a blessing but he just kept backing up and backing up. In my mind I was creating excuses that Iºm just the junior comp., if I were to give her a blessing I would forcibly have to hold her head and she would struggle like crazy, and other excuses. Our window of opportunity was very short because the Hilux (truck) came within one minute. She stopped yelling for a few seconds and then let out the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard and my companion jumped about a foot off the ground. Regardless we should have given her a blessing. I felt absolutely horrible afterwards. So I decided I will never ever make that same mistake again. 
   The Lord provided me with a way to redeem myself and exercise the priesthood. Later in the week we asked a member as we passed by if there was anything that we could do to help her, she said ´´no, not really´´ and as we were way down the road I hear a tiny voice saying ´´Elders``. When we got back up there she told us that her baby has been crying nonstop all day and has been really hot. Elder Drawe told me that I would be giving the blessing. Another mini-miracle was that morning I had this weird feeling like I should carry my white bible with me, which would be the first time in my whole mission that I would carry it with me, but I needed it to understand how to give the blessing in Portguese. As I laid my hands upon this screaming baby the very instant that I began speaking she became completely silent as if she had fallen asleep in one second. After the blessing which I could not have given, which the spirit gave, I looked down to see her eyes completely open and looking up at me. The following day we passed by the father and he told us the baby has been completely fine ever since.
  Pres. Mathews paid an unexpected visit to Terrafal on Sunday and told us we need to focus just on finding and teaching families so we began fasting for that very thing. That same day we found two families that we can now teach. Fasting in Africa can be kinda rough but it is more than worth it.
  Other less significant things throughout the week: We had a wedding where we got to help out a lot and make some awesome cakes. We had a drunk man the other day come up to us and began singing to us and slow dancing with me... it was an experience I guess you could say.
Mormon 9:3-4 this really has helped our investigators understand what hell really would be. Along with being without your family.
Alma 12:14-15 this has helped me realize some important things about my weakness.

God be with you all,
-Elder Judd

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