Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dec 8. 2014

WELLLLLLL you thought last weeks letter was short? Ready for this week? Here it is....


My new favorite missionary is Elder Drawe, Chandler moved to 2nd place. Here is why:

From Elder Drawe
This week was amazing! Just getting in the Christmas Spirit in our house! Look, this letter is going to be pathetic! But we had such a beautiful baptism this week! It was just soooo awesome! 

In the mission, we have been thinking about what we can give to the Lord to be more consecrated! Just to go along with the little film "He is the Gift!" I tell you what, its a brain buster. For sure though I will figure something out and I will let you all know when I do! HAHA
Also, there is this place here called Pao Quente. Its a pastry shop from Portugal! Its the best place ever. But earlier during the week, I entered and it was Christmas! It was amazing! All of the workers had Santa Hats, Christmas trees, lights, music..the works. So we sat there for like thirty minutes, eating our goods and having hot chocolate! OH you have no idea what that did to me! I was going crazy! Just on cloud nine! I was relating everything to Christmas! HAH poor Elder Judd just thinking I am getting all trunky on him..hahah! 

Also this week we have been notified that President is enforcing the rule...talking to the family on Christmas for 40 mins. So fam pains me at the bottom of my heart, but we can only talk for 40 minutes. So think of Questions, jokes, experiences, etc so that we can take advantage of this glorious time!
But that is it for this week! I love you so much and I hope every one is in the Christmas spirit! 

Elder Drawe

Dependable Respectful Achievers Workers Eternal= DRAWE!

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