Thursday, October 2, 2014

 Revelation came to me this week, which I am very grateful for. It came while writing in my journal one night. Cape Verde one of the highest baptizing missions, and this past Saturday was the first baptism I have had. Basically a whole transfer without. Elder Drawe and I have been working until our bodies scream at us to stop. I am glad Iºve only had one. It was the Lordºs will that I learn this lesson, this was the revelation: You have only baptized one person because you need to learn to glorify God not think all your baptisms were done by you. 
  Also this ´´baptism´´, this child of God is going to be one of the most amazing missionaries this side of the island will ever have seen. Luis has taught me so much. The friendships I have here are priceless. We can work so hard and not see as much noticeable success as we think we deserve but when we have enough desire to continue and continue then our lives will be blessed. Whether it will be a greater ability to go and do what is needed or to live in happiness with the things outside of our control. I really mean this when I say it but I can feel the support I have from everyone, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

-Elder Judd

ps Something I still havenºt figured out how to do is increase someoneºs desire to do the right thing. Well, I love you. Transfers have been nuts. We had a monsoon type rain storm this week, running through rivers going down the middle of the road. Way fun. Also, Iºm super excited for general conference. Oh, I also lost my voice super bad this past week. It was completely gone, haha, making it difficult to contact on the street or talk in lessons. 
  Iºm learning lots everyday, donºt worry about me. Wish I could talk more, love you.

Haha, so many questions still. Patience dear mother. First off, I love you. Second off, we go to church in a rented out space next to a eatery. We have almost almost 300 members here but around 70 that come to church. The missionaries before us were not the most obedient but they sure baptized a lot, they were not even teaching all that was necissary before baptism. Basically baptizing less-actives. Anyways, that is crazy to hear about our ward though. The work of the Lord isnºt going to do itself we all need to be active participants. We have 6 or more lessons a day planned but one maaaybe two actually work out so we do lots of street contacts. 
  Iºm great physically I could exercise more though, to be honest. We eat out at the local restuarants. Just owned by random people, no franchises obviously. Iºll be sending the real email so just wait a little.

Elder Judd

from his companion Elder Drawe:
Me and Elder Judd are staying in Tarrafall. We will be moving into the beauty house this week as well....just a small blessing that got figured out today. Also this week we were blessed to have a baptism. His name is Luis. He is that investigator teaching our other investigators, trying to get them go to church and read the scriptures. Yeah, he will be such a great missionary and such a great contributor to the ward of Tarrafall! Also the other Elders helped a young lady that is in a wheel chair get baptized. It was just an amazing baptism. To tell you the truth, it has been about 6 months since the whole District of Tarrafall all baptized on a Saturday, so literally we were so blessed this past week! We also are teaching a family. Its the family of Luis. They are so amazing! I love them! We just started teaching them and really its going to take some work and a whole lot of help from on top. So this week if you guys could do a huge favor for me and just pray your little hearts out for them and also for another investigator that we have that is having a hard time accepting the message. If you guys could do that, I know that miracles will happen! 

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