Saturday, November 15, 2014

Nov 10, 2014

  I am no longer a greenie! Haha, I'm still working here in Tarrafal at least until next transfers. Some revelation I got was that for sure I will be training more than one missionary on my mission. It was really comforting when the spirit testified this to me because ever since the beginning I have lost all desire to serve in leadership, I just want to train. Elder Drawe was a great trainer and I am glad I get to stay with him an support him as he is district leader.
  It is so great to hear that the new job is going so well! God will always bless the righteous. Thank you also for that advice that you gave. To be honest, previous missionaries in this area just tried to baptize as much as possible and now we have more inactive members than we have active members. Which means over one hundred... it is incredibly sad. I will definitely apply your advice more because if we can integrate less actives back into the ward that is great in the sight of God. Everything you said was so true and proof as to how hard of a worker you must have been on your mission. I think to your example often, I try to make you proud. I love you, dad, I hope you know just how much I love you. Yesterday we were super behind on our numbers for the week so we set ridiculous goals to reach and at first I doubted a little but in the end had faith because God had ALWAYS blessed us in the past for working as hard as we could. We ended up falling short on only a couple goals, but really miracles happen when you push just a little bit harder when you don't think you can or want to. Have a great week, Dad! I won't let you down, or God because you both want the best for me. Love you! "sometimes while living in the present you get destroyed in a game of ping pong but there is always another game to lose" haha, 2 years of trash talk is really going to mess with your head. Too bad my head already got messed up from you dominating me in the very last game, hahaha.

Really though, I really can't describe how grateful I am for you and for mom. I have not yet found a family here where the mom and dad love each other like you two do. I rarely even find married couples period. If you could pray that a couple will be prepared for marriage when missionaries will pass by them that will eternally affect a family relationship for the better. Love you so much Dad. Don't cry about the trash talk, I was just kidding, haha.

I'm still gaining some weight, getting nice and fat just so you don't worry. I really am so sorry about the camera. Some Cape Verdean has a nice camera with a really nice sd card right now, you can probably guess how much else that person has. Even though stealing is not good for them that camera can be a blessing for them. 
  This past week: Jacinto, one of my best friends here in Cape Verde, got baptized! He is 26 years old and we have been teaching him for a long time and I am so glad we didn't ever judge him because he always has rasta apparel and smoked a lot of padginha. He has the sweetest dreds ever and always is caring towards others.
  Two things happened: I am no longer being trained and also I will be staying in Tarrafal for this next transfer. I am so grateful for the people here and even though at times I feel like I am progressing way too slow I can't help but feel the Love of God in my life. Elder Drawe and I will continue to be companions and I am so grateful for this companionship. I have a feeling will be favorite companions throughout our missions.
  I love you sweet mother and pray for you all the time as I imagine how incredibly busy you are. You don't need to ever worry about me, the Lord protects his missionaries like crazy. I am no longer scared of the dogs here, haha. I am grateful for your example to me of serving a faithful missionary. I am so proud to call you my mother and the relief society president here has heard a lot about you from me and how amazing you are. 
  Tell Isabelle that I say hi and that she makes a very cute bee. Tell Kennedi that she is awesome.

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