Monday, November 3, 2014

Man I love his companion!

Mom: So here is my long email for the week.

Whatever we want it to be pretty much... ava maria! We got to go! Bye, Love you an infinite amount, haha, beat that!

Elder Judd

BUT here is what his great companion wrote! Thank you Elder Drawe!

So literally this week I was junior Comp. Elder Judd was senior Comp this whole week. I am not going to lie, it was super relaxing, but also, I learned alot. Elder Judd is a missionary that has sooo much desire in the work. He just leaves his heart out there. He has really opened my eyes on how to really work hard! Elder Judd is one of those different Comps for me. I look at him as my Kid, Comp, and a missionary. But most importantly I see him as one of my great friends! He will definately be one of those missionaries that I will keep in contact with after the mission.

So as for news of the baptism that went missing....yeah as of right now he is in Portugal. He is representing Santiago North for boxing. So Pray that he will do well and that he will remember who he is and where he came from and what he has learned! He will come back soon. 
 Transfers this week! I will let you know what happens! I I love you guys tons!

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