Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sept. 28, 2015

Yeah, thatºs a centipede... in my hair.

 Things here are super great! The best part of the week was a leadership training that I got to go to on a different island. Iºm trying to be so much more loving and Iºve seen a little bit of progress but, hahaha, Iºve got a looong way. Thanks for your example though. You amaze me! Iºm trying to wear perfume every day as well so that I can have a lovely day (see attached image, haha, this was in the quote book you gave me)
  Tell Harrison to email me back! Haha, the only things that I hear about harrison are from you, hahaha.
  Sorry for how short this email is you are the second person Iºve emailed. Dad is the first. I only have 2 minutes left because the computer was having some serious problems but Iºll try and send a letter/package soon. 
  Christi mother, I love you soo much! I miss you like a lot, and the thought of you only inspires me to work even harder and enjoy life even more. 
 You are all in my prayers!

Elder Judd

 Dad, It warms my heart to hear that you are praying for my investigators. That may seem like a simple phrase but I love them so much! I miss my old investigators in other areas. I love it here, dad. 
  You are the best dad in the world. I hope you know that! All the time that we spent together was more valuable than gold to me. Even more valuable than time at a concert with my buddies. Why? Because you are the Buddy that I always get to have as my dad!

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