Tuesday, November 3, 2015

August 31, 2015 Hurricane is coming

...Wait, there is a hurricane coming our way?? I canºt believe it. Oh hold on, whatºs that?? The wind just started picking up! Ahhhh! Iºm having to hold onto the table with one hand and the other one is typing this final message!
   Just kidding. I probably shouldnºt kid around about that because people could get injured but it wonºt be bad here. They did close down all planes and boats just in case. That is the only thing Iºve heard about it. It really messed up travel plans because lots of people just got transfered so they will have to wait until tomorrow.

 I got the card, sweet mother. Iºll be fine in the hurricane, you donºt need to worry about my safety at all, President Ivins blessed me that I would be perfectly safe on my mission. To worry is to doubt. (: Iºll be super fine and I love rain! It is a blessing actually because we need rain really bad here or so many crops will go to waste. 
  No, probably not 30 miles away. The roads are just so steep and windy it takes a while. 
Sorry for the short email. The cybers all closed down because of the rain so Iºm in our church building right now. Right now is time to go proselyting though. Iºll write you more this week! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Judd

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