Tuesday, November 3, 2015

August 23, 2015 Elder Drawe is home!

Just wanted to share a quick story with my favorite mother....

This past week, while we were doing weekly planning, someone knocked on our door. The lady wasnºt there to give us our water bill or anything, she was there because she needs help spiritually. She lives about 35minutes into the mountains by car and so the following day we made the trek up there. We only knew that her name was Casimira and that she normally lives in france, not much to go off of. 
  We made it to her house by a miracle, and were able to talk to her and give her a blessing. In the blessing it was guided by the spirit to heal her hands and feet (which have really bad problems) and to help her sleep (she only gets 1.5 hrs of sleep per night and no drugs even help her sleep more than 2 hrs.) It was an unforgettable experience. It was worth it to spend half of our day traveling to give that blessing. 
  It is always worth it to help someone. That is something you have taught me mom.

Hola Daddio,

Yo tengo mucho vontadio de aprender espanol. Yo hablo un pocito y sou mucho bien. Chino lobo.  

  I am so grateful for my companion, Elder Karl, (the Canadian!) and how he is willing to follow the small promptings of the spirit. Night had already risen and we were
briskly walking to our next appointment and as we wave to one of the local old ladies (sitting on some stairs) my companion said ºlets go talk
to herº. ºSure!º I said. As we walked up to talk with this nice old ºsenhoraº we quickly noticed that she was crying. She explained that there 
was a party that night and that there were dozens and dozens of people that had to walk right past her and none of them said goodnight to 
her. She cried even more because we stopped to talk to her, and as we went inside she couldnºt stop telling us how we are ºcristaos de veraº
which means ºtrue christiansº,ºtrue christiansº, ºtrue christiansº she kept repeating. We almost had to yell because she is hard of hearing,
but she loved talking to us. She is turning 99 years old pretty soon. She was walking up and down stairs with no need for help and she still
has a sharp mind. She had to hold on to my hand to try and stop herself from crying. Those tears, a mixture of sadness, gratitude, and water
made the experience for me unforgettable. Her name is Luz, which means light. What a perfect name.

Following the spirit can save lives or can just make old women kiss you on the head a lot, haha. Either way, itºs worth it!

Elder Judd

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