Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sept. 14, 2015

to mom:
I love you I love you I LOVE YOU! Iºm very healthy. Iºm actually lifting weights daily and so I can finally pick up a can of tuna now. bye

To Dad:
This past week we have been really focusing and just families and though we have had a good amount of hard days we have also been so blessed with this focus. It seems to make everything go better! This past week we had 59 people at church!!! It has been going up and we plan to keep it that way. We have investigators that are willing to come to church and progress. Praying for them has been such a blessing for us as we can have our eyes opened to better ways to help them. 
Elder Karl and I are improving on obedience and our companionship study as well. This past week we have been struggling on getting member present lessons because many of the members that we normally use were not available. This week we will try and branch out more (with the plans weºve made) with the members because we feel that this will be beneficial to all. Asking for references from everyone has been helpful to find families that are prepared to hear this message. I know that this next week will be a really successful week for us.
Weºve been mostly focusing on the main city instead of going to the other zones a lot. We will try some zones we havenºt gone to yet where some references live. 
Being district leader is still an amazing blessing to me and Iºm learning a lot from the zone leaders as well. In our district meetings it has been good to see that the zone plans and goals are being implimented better than they were last month. It has helped focus the work on how to truly receive Godºs blessings. 
 May the Lord recieve all glory for all that is being done around the world and on these blessed islands of Cabo Verde.

Elder Judd

Sorry! This week they made us do this super long survey! 
  It seems like you are learning a lot these past weeks. It is really cool to see how teachable you are Dad. God has a lot of confidence and trust in you. It is cool to see. Love you! Praying for you and mother!

Elder judd

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