Tuesday, November 3, 2015

October 12, 2015

Sweet Mother!

  Elder Karl is feeling a lot better. Iºve had such amazing health lately, it is so great! Haha, if I take it for granted then Iºm bound to get sick though, haha. He isnºt coughing at all anymore and so he has made a full recovery just in time to be transfered to Brava! An island that has had only sister missionaries on it for years! Now it will only have 2 Elders on it. I will miss him a lot but I am super excited being Iºve been so blessed with the opportunity to train!!! Iºm sooo excited! His name is Elder Holmes, from the US, and will be getting here by the end of the week. Iºll be traveling to Praia to go and pick him up. Here on the mission the trainer-trainee relationship is described by the words dad-son (or mom-daughter in the case of sisters). When I get a picture with Elder Holmes Iºll make sure to send it home.
  Iºm still absolutely in love with Santo Antao! And yes, we had a baptism this week. A few weeks ago we had 14 people with dates marked for this past week but one by one they fell until only 1, Catia, was baptized. She is so amazing though! We will still be helping our other friends to get back up though by taking Christºs outstretched hand.
  Well, I just want to thank you so much for the email this past week! It made my day! It touched my heart! And it reminded me to be grateful for the perfect family I have. I know they arenºt without flaws but I say perfect because with no other family could I be as happy and learn as much. I love you all! 

Elder Judd

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