Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sept. 21, 2015 Pictures!

Love you more than words can say
Love you forever like you for always

WOW! Did you make that up? It kinda rhymes!

Anyways Family,

  Life is all around going super incredibly well! This past week my companion and I worked just about as hard as we could and it was sooo rewarding! We havenºt had a single progressing investigator in church for months and months and then yesterday we had 4! It was a miracle!!! When the Lord really wants to bless someone He does His job really well!
  Well, Parker, you havenºt let anything stop you from being a trooper so Iºm not worried about you. You are a boss!
  It is great to hear about your homecoming! You are so good looking! It looks like youºve been putting on a little bit of muscle lately, nice! Your date is also cute and those decorations on our house! Way cute too! Nice job, Mom! I got you a pinterest follower this past week (jose or jesse carlos ... or something like that. Hahaha, youºre welcome)
  Elder Karl and I got to do a lot of service this past week too and it was so much fun! The best part of some service projects is doing it in secret! We got caught though! So we may or may not have lied to get out of it, haha. No, we didnºt lie, donºt worry.

  Well, I love you all! Tchau!

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