Tuesday, November 3, 2015

July 13, 2015 It's a monkey!

I. Canºt. Believe. It. SORRY!
  The computer has been acting weird and so I donºt have the time to send you and Dad the emails that you both so incredibly deserve. I just want you to know that I have been praying a lot for you to find a job, dad. Sometimes I have to be really careful to not boast in my parents but instead to boast in God. 
  Next week, without a doubt I will send you the longest email that you have ever recieved!
  I had my 1 year mark this past week and it was literally just like any other day. I may have been out for over a year but it still hasnºt caught up yet. Well, I have to go. I love you so much!!!!! I wish I had more time!
I love you Parker, Kennedi, Harrison, Stefano, Sadie, Charlie, Isabelle, Christi, and Jonathan... and anyone else I forgot.
-Elder Judd 
(Here is me with a beautiful monkey from Brasil. She even has her ears pierced, haha. The dudes name is Jonathan and his brotherºs name is Harrison... how weird)

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