Tuesday, November 3, 2015

July 20, 2015 Santo Antao!!!

Mother Dearest!!!
  I have just traveled for the past two days and have just now got to my new area here in........ Santo Antao!!!!!! My life has completely changed, hahaha! I am in Ribeira Grande and President told me that it is his favorite area in the whole mission... which makes sense because it is absolutely incredible here! (I canºt figure out how to send pics from this cyber so maybe next week)
  I told you that this next email would be a really long one and I plan on keeping my promise! So back in Boa Vista my companion and I had become absolute best friends (Elder Hughes and I) and then he got transfered to Fogo and I got transfered to Santo Antao (another of the islands that most missionaries never get to be on, which I feel really blessed to be here in Santo Antao)
  While I was in Praia yesterday I got to do a division with my last companion, Elder Fontes (from Assomada, Santiago) and while we were out in the back streets of Praia, wondering what we will eat tonight for dinner, a pomba (dove) fell from the sky and landed right in front of us. The owner was nowhere to be found and so there was nothing to do but take it. We later went home and killed the dove and cooked it and ate it. Even though it didnºt have a ton of meat it was enough for us.
  I got the package that you sent dear mother! Thanks doesnºt even cut it! Double thank you! TRIPLE thank you!!! Just what I needed right when I needed it.  
  Well, I feel like the most blessed person on earth. The best family in the world, the best mission in the world, what more could anyone want?? I could never be grateful enough to my parents, siblings, and to God.
I was just thinking the other day about how you always cared so much about me to make any sacrifice for me. All these memories came flooding into my mind in that moment. Swimming lessons, piano lessons, tennis lessons, soccer teams, act prep, school help. You have giving me anything I could have every dreamed of.
Love you ALL!
Elder Judd

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