Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Nov. 2, 2015 Pict. with Elder Holmes

Hello Christi!!!!

  Iºm so glad that you liked my email! I get hammered from members of the ward and other missionaries and my companionºs mothers that I do a terrible job at emailing you but that isnºt the reason why Iºm going to be improving it is because you want more details. Haha, Iºm not sure exactly what details you want from me though.
  You can send me a list of all the questions that you have for me that week. Then you can also send a list of things you would like me to include in every email such as best part of the week, worst part of the week, etc. Thanks sweetest mother!!!!!
Hahaha, my companion doesnºt even eat that much, haha. I actually eat a lot more than he does. Ecclesiastes 5:12 explains well enough, haha. And yeah, weºve talked about the kunzelmanºs, haha. 
  Also please pray for Ronisia. She is an investigator that is in a pretty tough situation, because she wants to be baptized and is sooo ready but she has had a child with a man she used to live with (the kid lives with the grandma) but the man has a bunch of other women in his life but she wants to marry him anyway even though the man doesnºt want to marry her at all he just wants to continue living with her. Itºs even more complicated than that just know that she needs lots of prayers! THANKS!!!!!
  Iºll make sure to let you know on the packages when they come. Haha, you know I donºt even need anything material because I already know you love me but it is greatly greatly appreciated sweet mother!
Can I just say how excited and happy I was to hear that you got the job! Parabens!  Iºm still praying like crazy for Dad and his job.

-I love teaching the young menºs quorum every week. There are only three in the whole branch but the lessons are so spiritual with their great comments! I love being able to participate and watch the Lordºs loving care over these choice young sons of God. 
-Sis. Kendrick emailed me and told me that I am very similar to my mother. It was honestly the best compliment I think I have ever recieved while on my mission. It made me SO happy!

Well, I love you and hope you had a wonderful week (and halloween) and that this week is even better! 2 cor. 5:6-7

Elder Judd

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