Tuesday, November 3, 2015

August 10, 2015 Cute outfit


  You know how I always call you by your first name? Christi! Few people call their parents by their first name but you know why I always did? Because I know that you are the most Christlike person that I know. I love you. Iºm trying to develop my Christi-like qualities every day. My Patriarchal Blessing tells me the rather obvious fact that I have been born unto a King and Queen of the most High God. It blows my mind to think that I got placed under the care of you, how did I get so lucky? The blessings also tells me of the blessings that will come from getting to know you and the stories of your life better... I definitely could and should do a better job at that, but that is why it was sooo wonderful seeing those pictures you sent me. Haha, they were really touching both to my heart strings and my laugh box, haha. 
  My companion and I are working really hard but we havenºt had an investigator come to church, not one, in over a month. Before this area Iºve always had investigators show up and now it has been a month without them, haha, but the Lord is blessing us with the excitement and happiness to keep going and working even harder. If we get down on ourselves where is the fun in that? ... Iºve tried looking for it but have never found it, haha. 
  FYI, I have forgotten how to speak english as well. I have to have my comp type my emails for me. 
  Haha, short little story: We were traveling back from Zone Meeting to Santo Antao and we missed our boat. The next one was supposed to leave at 5:30 but didnºt leave until almost 9 o clock. So we finally got to the island but after that a 1 hr bus ride to our area persued. We got home at almost midnight. Hahaha, on the bus ride a boyfriend and girlfriend got in a hideous fight and the bus driver had to stop the bus to break it up. The whole bus chanted to kick them off the bus. He then had the descision to let them stay or walk into the night. He chose to be merciful and not listen to the crowd, unlike Pilate. The rest of the drive ... no more time. Love you

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