Tuesday, November 3, 2015

July 27, 2015

Pictures by Isabelle

Hahahaha, that is super great!!!!

I was in English Class a couple weeks ago and an investigators little daughter (who reminds me of Isabelle) made me... no, she Forced me to draw this hand house just the way she wanted it, hahaha. So that is such a coincidence that now our whole hand family can move into the new hand house, haha. 
  Also Isabelle, I just wanted to say that I heard the song ºLove is an open doorº a few days ago. That is our song! Our duet was so great!!! Do you remember when you fell of the table and wouldnºt sing with me more? (: I love you sweet Isabelly!!!

Dear Christi Judd,

  Haha, tooooo many things happened this first week to tell about them all. Iºll tell most of them in these next weeks though. 
  The card wasnºt in the package when I first quickly looked but I can look again really well just to double check. It is crazy to hear about Elijah and Treven! I can barely believe it really!
  This next package would be super great if you achasdkf as kfajskdf asdjkfja liwej. If you could send that for me I would be SOOO happy!!! I mean I just love alksdj asd kj!!!! Haha, but really it would be super appreciated if I could get a small picture of Christ getting baptized. (an investigator stole my picture I used to use). And maybe an updated photo of the family with a picture of stefano included. (or if you can find a picture with all of us and stefano that would be ideal) Haha, because I only have one picture of our family and it is getting a little dirty, haha.  
  Mother, I love you so much! You can read dadºs email too. Anyways, there is a man named Antonio that said he really needs our whole church to pray for him these days and so that reminded me of the prayer roll in the temple if you could put in Antonioºs name that would make all the difference in the world. Thanks! 
  This past week we took a truck up and over the mountain to another little town where quite a few members live and it is really green and lush up there. So as we were walking we decided to go down this tiny little path that most people would have not noticed because the foliage was blocking the entrance a bit. We decided to go down this little path for a little while until we found a house with some people outside. We began talking to them... of course. Anyways, I asked the younger woman there if she was a teacher. She was caught completely off guard and replied ºyeah! Why??º ... I had known her in Tarrafal (santiago). About 8 months ago I was a little young missionary and we were walking in the street and decided to talk to a lady, she said she was from Santo Antao and so I understood nothing else that she said... until she started talking in english because that is what she teaches. Anyways, she was really great but after a while of trying to teach her she moved houses (out of the blue) and we were never able to find her again in Tarrafal. Then in the most random, deep, unlikely place in all of Cabo Verde and we find her again. It was super incredible! We then helped for the next hour carry sand (it is black here in Santo Antao) and dump it by their house. We carried it on our shoulders while the little girls were carrying WAY more on their heads! Anyways, in the attached picture she is on the far left. 
  Haha, in church on sunday the branch president came up to me during the sacrament hymn and told me that I would be giving a 20 minute talk on ºFastingº because the speakers didnºt show up. Haha, I gladly gave it but just thought it was really funny the way he asked, haha. Anyways, whether there are 200 members or 20 members church is still such an uplifting experience. Mother, you are doing a great job. You need to be told that more, much more. You are doing a fantastic job at motherhood. You will always be a mother and for that fact I will always be grateful for you and will always love you. 

Bigger and more gigantic hugs!!!
Elder Judd 

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