Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Oct. 5, 2015

Hey, guess what?

...I love you!

  This past week was such a blast! Elder Karl and I have been working as hard as we could. Haha, good ol Elder Karl is such a trooper! He was super sick but he wouldnºt complain at all...nor even mention to me that he was in a lot of pain. (He is like me in the fact that he doesnºt like taking medicine) So when I finally took his temperature and saw that it was 104º F I made him stay inside and get some much needed rest! We finally went to the hospital after all the members yelled at me for doing a bad job of taking care of him, hahaha. I even made him icecream! Except he has no apetite so I ate it all.
  The worst part of my week is... I donºt know. I canºt think of one. 
  To be honest my companion and I have not had a single baptism here on Santo Antao yet. This Saturday though, we are going to be having three! And I am soooo excited! They are the best! One is a 19 year old girl, named Katia, that lives almost 2 hours away by car. One is a 19 year old girl, named Carmen, that lives just up the road. And the other is a 23 year old woman, named Ronisia, that lives in a neighboring city. 
  Then outside our church building before we went in for Conference I get a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Antonio!!! A great great friend from Boa Vista! He is actually from Santo Antao but living and working in Boa Vista! We helped him return to church activity while in Boa Vista and one of the first meetings he went to was conference 6 months ago and now 6 months later I got to see him again!!! He just reminded me how crazily bad I miss everyone from Boa Vista and Santiago!
  I didnºt get to watch all of conference because we left to go get investigators. We have seen conference before but this will be their first time!
  Carmenºs mother past away 2 months ago (that is how we found her and began talking with her). I had a distinct spiritual impression that her mother has already accepted the Gospel in the spirit world and is anxious for her daughter to do the same. In conference she was deeply touched with Elder Hollandºs talk. As was I. Mom, I love you. When Elder Holland was basically implying the messianic role of mothers I couldnºt stop crying. 
  Dad, As Elder Renlund (what a great new apostle!) spoke of Chadºs death and his fatherºs eyes I couldnºt help but think of you dad. You are such an amazing example to me. Period. Enough said. You are my hero!

Note to Isabelle: Please stop it, stop growing. I think I saw you in Monsterºs University, oh wait... that was the librarian. Well, you are as tall as that lady now!

Elder Judd

Walking into a small home with dirt floors and feeling how it is a house of prayer, a house of fasting, etc. and to see that even though it had no lightbulbs the ambiente was as bright as the temple in recife brasil. Even though they wonºt have the money to go for many more years the future is as bright as their faith. 
  You lucky duck! I miss the temple soo bad! But instead of being temple trunky I try to help members truly understand its importance.

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