Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Nov. 2, 2015 Pict. with Elder Holmes

Hello Christi!!!!

  Iºm so glad that you liked my email! I get hammered from members of the ward and other missionaries and my companionºs mothers that I do a terrible job at emailing you but that isnºt the reason why Iºm going to be improving it is because you want more details. Haha, Iºm not sure exactly what details you want from me though.
  You can send me a list of all the questions that you have for me that week. Then you can also send a list of things you would like me to include in every email such as best part of the week, worst part of the week, etc. Thanks sweetest mother!!!!!
Hahaha, my companion doesnºt even eat that much, haha. I actually eat a lot more than he does. Ecclesiastes 5:12 explains well enough, haha. And yeah, weºve talked about the kunzelmanºs, haha. 
  Also please pray for Ronisia. She is an investigator that is in a pretty tough situation, because she wants to be baptized and is sooo ready but she has had a child with a man she used to live with (the kid lives with the grandma) but the man has a bunch of other women in his life but she wants to marry him anyway even though the man doesnºt want to marry her at all he just wants to continue living with her. Itºs even more complicated than that just know that she needs lots of prayers! THANKS!!!!!
  Iºll make sure to let you know on the packages when they come. Haha, you know I donºt even need anything material because I already know you love me but it is greatly greatly appreciated sweet mother!
Can I just say how excited and happy I was to hear that you got the job! Parabens!  Iºm still praying like crazy for Dad and his job.

-I love teaching the young menºs quorum every week. There are only three in the whole branch but the lessons are so spiritual with their great comments! I love being able to participate and watch the Lordºs loving care over these choice young sons of God. 
-Sis. Kendrick emailed me and told me that I am very similar to my mother. It was honestly the best compliment I think I have ever recieved while on my mission. It made me SO happy!

Well, I love you and hope you had a wonderful week (and halloween) and that this week is even better! 2 cor. 5:6-7

Elder Judd

October 26, 2015 Crazy storm Experience

Best part of the week

Seeing lots of miracles yesterday. I met a lady from Praia and I miss the island of santiago so much!

Worst part of the week

The computers are broken and so I only got 10 minutes to email my wonderful family!

I loved your email!!!!!! Iºm soooooo soooooooorrrrrryyyyyyyy but next week will be a novel, alright? Okay, I love you more than life itself. Iºm praying like crazy for you and dad to find jobs!

October 19, 2015

Yeah, Iºm still set on USU, I feel that it is the right place to go. I also just want to let you know that I most likely will be extending my mission a little bit. Just so that it doesnºt come as a surprise to you. I miss you all so badly and I know that the Lord will bless you very soon with those things our family needs. Whether that is more frequent family nights or more job opportunities or something else, I donºt really know. 
  Guess what? I love you! We are having computer problems and so I decided that Elder Holmes needed to email more than I do so this is the only email Iºm sending this week. It is his first week and his family really appreciated it so thank you sweet mother and father for your understanding. (I didnºt even email any girls first, hahaha, Totally Kidding!)
  My ºsonº(trainee) is super amazing! And he already speaks Portuguese amazing for only studying it for a month and a half! Anyways, I will send you much more next week! Everything is well though
I love you all so very much and I want you to know that from the bottom of my heart: I love you!!!

October 12, 2015

Sweet Mother!

  Elder Karl is feeling a lot better. Iºve had such amazing health lately, it is so great! Haha, if I take it for granted then Iºm bound to get sick though, haha. He isnºt coughing at all anymore and so he has made a full recovery just in time to be transfered to Brava! An island that has had only sister missionaries on it for years! Now it will only have 2 Elders on it. I will miss him a lot but I am super excited being Iºve been so blessed with the opportunity to train!!! Iºm sooo excited! His name is Elder Holmes, from the US, and will be getting here by the end of the week. Iºll be traveling to Praia to go and pick him up. Here on the mission the trainer-trainee relationship is described by the words dad-son (or mom-daughter in the case of sisters). When I get a picture with Elder Holmes Iºll make sure to send it home.
  Iºm still absolutely in love with Santo Antao! And yes, we had a baptism this week. A few weeks ago we had 14 people with dates marked for this past week but one by one they fell until only 1, Catia, was baptized. She is so amazing though! We will still be helping our other friends to get back up though by taking Christºs outstretched hand.
  Well, I just want to thank you so much for the email this past week! It made my day! It touched my heart! And it reminded me to be grateful for the perfect family I have. I know they arenºt without flaws but I say perfect because with no other family could I be as happy and learn as much. I love you all! 

Elder Judd

Oct. 5, 2015

Hey, guess what?

...I love you!

  This past week was such a blast! Elder Karl and I have been working as hard as we could. Haha, good ol Elder Karl is such a trooper! He was super sick but he wouldnºt complain at all...nor even mention to me that he was in a lot of pain. (He is like me in the fact that he doesnºt like taking medicine) So when I finally took his temperature and saw that it was 104º F I made him stay inside and get some much needed rest! We finally went to the hospital after all the members yelled at me for doing a bad job of taking care of him, hahaha. I even made him icecream! Except he has no apetite so I ate it all.
  The worst part of my week is... I donºt know. I canºt think of one. 
  To be honest my companion and I have not had a single baptism here on Santo Antao yet. This Saturday though, we are going to be having three! And I am soooo excited! They are the best! One is a 19 year old girl, named Katia, that lives almost 2 hours away by car. One is a 19 year old girl, named Carmen, that lives just up the road. And the other is a 23 year old woman, named Ronisia, that lives in a neighboring city. 
  Then outside our church building before we went in for Conference I get a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Antonio!!! A great great friend from Boa Vista! He is actually from Santo Antao but living and working in Boa Vista! We helped him return to church activity while in Boa Vista and one of the first meetings he went to was conference 6 months ago and now 6 months later I got to see him again!!! He just reminded me how crazily bad I miss everyone from Boa Vista and Santiago!
  I didnºt get to watch all of conference because we left to go get investigators. We have seen conference before but this will be their first time!
  Carmenºs mother past away 2 months ago (that is how we found her and began talking with her). I had a distinct spiritual impression that her mother has already accepted the Gospel in the spirit world and is anxious for her daughter to do the same. In conference she was deeply touched with Elder Hollandºs talk. As was I. Mom, I love you. When Elder Holland was basically implying the messianic role of mothers I couldnºt stop crying. 
  Dad, As Elder Renlund (what a great new apostle!) spoke of Chadºs death and his fatherºs eyes I couldnºt help but think of you dad. You are such an amazing example to me. Period. Enough said. You are my hero!

Note to Isabelle: Please stop it, stop growing. I think I saw you in Monsterºs University, oh wait... that was the librarian. Well, you are as tall as that lady now!

Elder Judd

Walking into a small home with dirt floors and feeling how it is a house of prayer, a house of fasting, etc. and to see that even though it had no lightbulbs the ambiente was as bright as the temple in recife brasil. Even though they wonºt have the money to go for many more years the future is as bright as their faith. 
  You lucky duck! I miss the temple soo bad! But instead of being temple trunky I try to help members truly understand its importance.

Sept. 28, 2015

Yeah, thatºs a centipede... in my hair.

 Things here are super great! The best part of the week was a leadership training that I got to go to on a different island. Iºm trying to be so much more loving and Iºve seen a little bit of progress but, hahaha, Iºve got a looong way. Thanks for your example though. You amaze me! Iºm trying to wear perfume every day as well so that I can have a lovely day (see attached image, haha, this was in the quote book you gave me)
  Tell Harrison to email me back! Haha, the only things that I hear about harrison are from you, hahaha.
  Sorry for how short this email is you are the second person Iºve emailed. Dad is the first. I only have 2 minutes left because the computer was having some serious problems but Iºll try and send a letter/package soon. 
  Christi mother, I love you soo much! I miss you like a lot, and the thought of you only inspires me to work even harder and enjoy life even more. 
 You are all in my prayers!

Elder Judd

 Dad, It warms my heart to hear that you are praying for my investigators. That may seem like a simple phrase but I love them so much! I miss my old investigators in other areas. I love it here, dad. 
  You are the best dad in the world. I hope you know that! All the time that we spent together was more valuable than gold to me. Even more valuable than time at a concert with my buddies. Why? Because you are the Buddy that I always get to have as my dad!

Sept. 21, 2015 Pictures!

Love you more than words can say
Love you forever like you for always

WOW! Did you make that up? It kinda rhymes!

Anyways Family,

  Life is all around going super incredibly well! This past week my companion and I worked just about as hard as we could and it was sooo rewarding! We havenºt had a single progressing investigator in church for months and months and then yesterday we had 4! It was a miracle!!! When the Lord really wants to bless someone He does His job really well!
  Well, Parker, you havenºt let anything stop you from being a trooper so Iºm not worried about you. You are a boss!
  It is great to hear about your homecoming! You are so good looking! It looks like youºve been putting on a little bit of muscle lately, nice! Your date is also cute and those decorations on our house! Way cute too! Nice job, Mom! I got you a pinterest follower this past week (jose or jesse carlos ... or something like that. Hahaha, youºre welcome)
  Elder Karl and I got to do a lot of service this past week too and it was so much fun! The best part of some service projects is doing it in secret! We got caught though! So we may or may not have lied to get out of it, haha. No, we didnºt lie, donºt worry.

  Well, I love you all! Tchau!

Sept. 14, 2015

to mom:
I love you I love you I LOVE YOU! Iºm very healthy. Iºm actually lifting weights daily and so I can finally pick up a can of tuna now. bye

To Dad:
This past week we have been really focusing and just families and though we have had a good amount of hard days we have also been so blessed with this focus. It seems to make everything go better! This past week we had 59 people at church!!! It has been going up and we plan to keep it that way. We have investigators that are willing to come to church and progress. Praying for them has been such a blessing for us as we can have our eyes opened to better ways to help them. 
Elder Karl and I are improving on obedience and our companionship study as well. This past week we have been struggling on getting member present lessons because many of the members that we normally use were not available. This week we will try and branch out more (with the plans weºve made) with the members because we feel that this will be beneficial to all. Asking for references from everyone has been helpful to find families that are prepared to hear this message. I know that this next week will be a really successful week for us.
Weºve been mostly focusing on the main city instead of going to the other zones a lot. We will try some zones we havenºt gone to yet where some references live. 
Being district leader is still an amazing blessing to me and Iºm learning a lot from the zone leaders as well. In our district meetings it has been good to see that the zone plans and goals are being implimented better than they were last month. It has helped focus the work on how to truly receive Godºs blessings. 
 May the Lord recieve all glory for all that is being done around the world and on these blessed islands of Cabo Verde.

Elder Judd

Sorry! This week they made us do this super long survey! 
  It seems like you are learning a lot these past weeks. It is really cool to see how teachable you are Dad. God has a lot of confidence and trust in you. It is cool to see. Love you! Praying for you and mother!

Elder judd

September 7, 2015 First Hurricane in Cape Verde since 1892

From Kennedi's email:
My companion almost got knocked out by a giant crate in the hurricane but miraculously it blew right over his head! Donºt tell mom that, she will probably start crying really badly, hahahahaha!
To mom:
The hurricane was nuts! We were out trying to teach anyone but because of the really strong wind and rain it didnºt really work out. The wind got really strong to the point that it was too dangerous to stay out any longer (because things were blowing off of rooftops and would have really hurt if they hit someone). That night the wind got even louder and stronger. The next morning the streets were covered in dirt and rocks and a couple houses had their roofs blown off. Nobody got injured though, besides some coconut trees and banana trees in the Farm of one of the members here. 

Your Forever Son,
Elder Judd

August 31, 2015 Hurricane is coming

...Wait, there is a hurricane coming our way?? I canºt believe it. Oh hold on, whatºs that?? The wind just started picking up! Ahhhh! Iºm having to hold onto the table with one hand and the other one is typing this final message!
   Just kidding. I probably shouldnºt kid around about that because people could get injured but it wonºt be bad here. They did close down all planes and boats just in case. That is the only thing Iºve heard about it. It really messed up travel plans because lots of people just got transfered so they will have to wait until tomorrow.

 I got the card, sweet mother. Iºll be fine in the hurricane, you donºt need to worry about my safety at all, President Ivins blessed me that I would be perfectly safe on my mission. To worry is to doubt. (: Iºll be super fine and I love rain! It is a blessing actually because we need rain really bad here or so many crops will go to waste. 
  No, probably not 30 miles away. The roads are just so steep and windy it takes a while. 
Sorry for the short email. The cybers all closed down because of the rain so Iºm in our church building right now. Right now is time to go proselyting though. Iºll write you more this week! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Judd

August 23, 2015 Elder Drawe is home!

Just wanted to share a quick story with my favorite mother....

This past week, while we were doing weekly planning, someone knocked on our door. The lady wasnºt there to give us our water bill or anything, she was there because she needs help spiritually. She lives about 35minutes into the mountains by car and so the following day we made the trek up there. We only knew that her name was Casimira and that she normally lives in france, not much to go off of. 
  We made it to her house by a miracle, and were able to talk to her and give her a blessing. In the blessing it was guided by the spirit to heal her hands and feet (which have really bad problems) and to help her sleep (she only gets 1.5 hrs of sleep per night and no drugs even help her sleep more than 2 hrs.) It was an unforgettable experience. It was worth it to spend half of our day traveling to give that blessing. 
  It is always worth it to help someone. That is something you have taught me mom.

Hola Daddio,

Yo tengo mucho vontadio de aprender espanol. Yo hablo un pocito y sou mucho bien. Chino lobo.  

  I am so grateful for my companion, Elder Karl, (the Canadian!) and how he is willing to follow the small promptings of the spirit. Night had already risen and we were
briskly walking to our next appointment and as we wave to one of the local old ladies (sitting on some stairs) my companion said ºlets go talk
to herº. ºSure!º I said. As we walked up to talk with this nice old ºsenhoraº we quickly noticed that she was crying. She explained that there 
was a party that night and that there were dozens and dozens of people that had to walk right past her and none of them said goodnight to 
her. She cried even more because we stopped to talk to her, and as we went inside she couldnºt stop telling us how we are ºcristaos de veraº
which means ºtrue christiansº,ºtrue christiansº, ºtrue christiansº she kept repeating. We almost had to yell because she is hard of hearing,
but she loved talking to us. She is turning 99 years old pretty soon. She was walking up and down stairs with no need for help and she still
has a sharp mind. She had to hold on to my hand to try and stop herself from crying. Those tears, a mixture of sadness, gratitude, and water
made the experience for me unforgettable. Her name is Luz, which means light. What a perfect name.

Following the spirit can save lives or can just make old women kiss you on the head a lot, haha. Either way, itºs worth it!

Elder Judd

August 17, 2015


How was Your week? I really hope that it was as great or even better than mine! Iºm totally settled in now and I LOVE my companion and my area! The most beautiful area so far! Our apartment has everything! Hot water! Even water period is a blessing! Also it has a fan and it is really big and beautiful. From our window we see out over a good portion of the city and all the sheer cliff faces on either side of us. Plus we can hear the ocean if the parties die down, haha. 
  The rains have kinda started. Driving from the highest point of Santo Antao down we literally were above the clouds and had to drive down through them. They were full of water and really cool. The sisters in the district were freezing, haha. 
  I canºt wait for you both to meet Elder Drawe, he can tell you some amazing stories! He is an incredible, basically legendary, missionary. (haha, that dream is kinda funny)
  While you are in the US with that trial I am over here with 6 weeks (consecutive) where not one investigator has come to church. It is kind of unheard of for someone to not have ANY investigators on any given week let alone 6 weeks in a row. To be 100% honest, I am Perfectly content with the work we did this past week to find prepared people and bring all our investigators to church and so even if our number was zero, Iºm happy. 
  As long as you are doing what is in YOUR circle of control than you should be happy, even though Iºm sure it is super tough. Dad, you are the number one example of hard worker. I love you so much and canºt wait to see you cry after our next ping pong game, haha.

Your son Forever and ever,
Elder Judd

August 10, 2015 Cute outfit


  You know how I always call you by your first name? Christi! Few people call their parents by their first name but you know why I always did? Because I know that you are the most Christlike person that I know. I love you. Iºm trying to develop my Christi-like qualities every day. My Patriarchal Blessing tells me the rather obvious fact that I have been born unto a King and Queen of the most High God. It blows my mind to think that I got placed under the care of you, how did I get so lucky? The blessings also tells me of the blessings that will come from getting to know you and the stories of your life better... I definitely could and should do a better job at that, but that is why it was sooo wonderful seeing those pictures you sent me. Haha, they were really touching both to my heart strings and my laugh box, haha. 
  My companion and I are working really hard but we havenºt had an investigator come to church, not one, in over a month. Before this area Iºve always had investigators show up and now it has been a month without them, haha, but the Lord is blessing us with the excitement and happiness to keep going and working even harder. If we get down on ourselves where is the fun in that? ... Iºve tried looking for it but have never found it, haha. 
  FYI, I have forgotten how to speak english as well. I have to have my comp type my emails for me. 
  Haha, short little story: We were traveling back from Zone Meeting to Santo Antao and we missed our boat. The next one was supposed to leave at 5:30 but didnºt leave until almost 9 o clock. So we finally got to the island but after that a 1 hr bus ride to our area persued. We got home at almost midnight. Hahaha, on the bus ride a boyfriend and girlfriend got in a hideous fight and the bus driver had to stop the bus to break it up. The whole bus chanted to kick them off the bus. He then had the descision to let them stay or walk into the night. He chose to be merciful and not listen to the crowd, unlike Pilate. The rest of the drive ... no more time. Love you

August 3, 2015


MORE July 27, 2015


  Iºm in a strange land where I donºt understand the language! I have just been transported back to my first transfers, haha. The crioule here is the hardest crioule in Cabo Verde and Iºve only been on islands that speak Bidyu (there are 2 types: bidyu and sanpajud, both of those were spelled incorrectly, fyi, aahaha) and now I am trying to understand the other one. Haha, it is great though, I canºt still handle myself easily enough though. 
  I am ABSOLUTELY LOVING it here!!!!!! I absolutely loved my old area but this area just canºt be beat!!! It is so different and so beautiful! Well, to answer your question... everything is different about this island! It is going to be getting real green when the rain comes here shortly. Boa Vista has peoples from all over africa but Santo Antao is just people from Santo Antao (there are very few jews and muslims here though) The church is basically the same island to island in regards to the way they believe, haha, but they are so different at the same time. 
  I am working with a branch that has about 20 people and is really struggling but the people are super awesome. My companion is super awesome as well! He is just getting out of training and has a good desire to work and is humble enough to learn the large amount he still has to learn. His name is Elder Karl and he is from Canada. Yes, he does say ºehº a lot, haha. But even though we have sooo much work ahead of us here in this area we are so grateful for the Lordºs loving guidance, eh?
  I was just reading in the war chapters of Alma and in Alma 56:27 I was instantely reminded of you, Dad. You are my support, the reason Iºm still going. I am not afraid in this battle against evil, why? because of my parents examples. I know you know that God exists and he will protect our family. It is hard to see siblings break off from the righteous traditions of their fathers but the modern prophets have taught us the sealing power due to righteous parents is stronger than we can now comprehend. I love you sooooo much and pray for you constantly! Haha, the Lordºs will is always done and it is always a good will, well, actually a perfect will, haha. Love you!!!

ELder Judd

July 27, 2015

Pictures by Isabelle

Hahahaha, that is super great!!!!

I was in English Class a couple weeks ago and an investigators little daughter (who reminds me of Isabelle) made me... no, she Forced me to draw this hand house just the way she wanted it, hahaha. So that is such a coincidence that now our whole hand family can move into the new hand house, haha. 
  Also Isabelle, I just wanted to say that I heard the song ºLove is an open doorº a few days ago. That is our song! Our duet was so great!!! Do you remember when you fell of the table and wouldnºt sing with me more? (: I love you sweet Isabelly!!!

Dear Christi Judd,

  Haha, tooooo many things happened this first week to tell about them all. Iºll tell most of them in these next weeks though. 
  The card wasnºt in the package when I first quickly looked but I can look again really well just to double check. It is crazy to hear about Elijah and Treven! I can barely believe it really!
  This next package would be super great if you achasdkf as kfajskdf asdjkfja liwej. If you could send that for me I would be SOOO happy!!! I mean I just love alksdj asd kj!!!! Haha, but really it would be super appreciated if I could get a small picture of Christ getting baptized. (an investigator stole my picture I used to use). And maybe an updated photo of the family with a picture of stefano included. (or if you can find a picture with all of us and stefano that would be ideal) Haha, because I only have one picture of our family and it is getting a little dirty, haha.  
  Mother, I love you so much! You can read dadºs email too. Anyways, there is a man named Antonio that said he really needs our whole church to pray for him these days and so that reminded me of the prayer roll in the temple if you could put in Antonioºs name that would make all the difference in the world. Thanks! 
  This past week we took a truck up and over the mountain to another little town where quite a few members live and it is really green and lush up there. So as we were walking we decided to go down this tiny little path that most people would have not noticed because the foliage was blocking the entrance a bit. We decided to go down this little path for a little while until we found a house with some people outside. We began talking to them... of course. Anyways, I asked the younger woman there if she was a teacher. She was caught completely off guard and replied ºyeah! Why??º ... I had known her in Tarrafal (santiago). About 8 months ago I was a little young missionary and we were walking in the street and decided to talk to a lady, she said she was from Santo Antao and so I understood nothing else that she said... until she started talking in english because that is what she teaches. Anyways, she was really great but after a while of trying to teach her she moved houses (out of the blue) and we were never able to find her again in Tarrafal. Then in the most random, deep, unlikely place in all of Cabo Verde and we find her again. It was super incredible! We then helped for the next hour carry sand (it is black here in Santo Antao) and dump it by their house. We carried it on our shoulders while the little girls were carrying WAY more on their heads! Anyways, in the attached picture she is on the far left. 
  Haha, in church on sunday the branch president came up to me during the sacrament hymn and told me that I would be giving a 20 minute talk on ºFastingº because the speakers didnºt show up. Haha, I gladly gave it but just thought it was really funny the way he asked, haha. Anyways, whether there are 200 members or 20 members church is still such an uplifting experience. Mother, you are doing a great job. You need to be told that more, much more. You are doing a fantastic job at motherhood. You will always be a mother and for that fact I will always be grateful for you and will always love you. 

Bigger and more gigantic hugs!!!
Elder Judd 

July 20, 2015 Santo Antao!!!

Mother Dearest!!!
  I have just traveled for the past two days and have just now got to my new area here in........ Santo Antao!!!!!! My life has completely changed, hahaha! I am in Ribeira Grande and President told me that it is his favorite area in the whole mission... which makes sense because it is absolutely incredible here! (I canºt figure out how to send pics from this cyber so maybe next week)
  I told you that this next email would be a really long one and I plan on keeping my promise! So back in Boa Vista my companion and I had become absolute best friends (Elder Hughes and I) and then he got transfered to Fogo and I got transfered to Santo Antao (another of the islands that most missionaries never get to be on, which I feel really blessed to be here in Santo Antao)
  While I was in Praia yesterday I got to do a division with my last companion, Elder Fontes (from Assomada, Santiago) and while we were out in the back streets of Praia, wondering what we will eat tonight for dinner, a pomba (dove) fell from the sky and landed right in front of us. The owner was nowhere to be found and so there was nothing to do but take it. We later went home and killed the dove and cooked it and ate it. Even though it didnºt have a ton of meat it was enough for us.
  I got the package that you sent dear mother! Thanks doesnºt even cut it! Double thank you! TRIPLE thank you!!! Just what I needed right when I needed it.  
  Well, I feel like the most blessed person on earth. The best family in the world, the best mission in the world, what more could anyone want?? I could never be grateful enough to my parents, siblings, and to God.
I was just thinking the other day about how you always cared so much about me to make any sacrifice for me. All these memories came flooding into my mind in that moment. Swimming lessons, piano lessons, tennis lessons, soccer teams, act prep, school help. You have giving me anything I could have every dreamed of.
Love you ALL!
Elder Judd

July 13, 2015 It's a monkey!

I. Canºt. Believe. It. SORRY!
  The computer has been acting weird and so I donºt have the time to send you and Dad the emails that you both so incredibly deserve. I just want you to know that I have been praying a lot for you to find a job, dad. Sometimes I have to be really careful to not boast in my parents but instead to boast in God. 
  Next week, without a doubt I will send you the longest email that you have ever recieved!
  I had my 1 year mark this past week and it was literally just like any other day. I may have been out for over a year but it still hasnºt caught up yet. Well, I have to go. I love you so much!!!!! I wish I had more time!
I love you Parker, Kennedi, Harrison, Stefano, Sadie, Charlie, Isabelle, Christi, and Jonathan... and anyone else I forgot.
-Elder Judd 
(Here is me with a beautiful monkey from Brasil. She even has her ears pierced, haha. The dudes name is Jonathan and his brotherºs name is Harrison... how weird)