Monday, October 26, 2015

May 4, 2015

  It will be so great to hear all about womens conference during Christmas... because we canºt call anymore on motherºs day, sorry.
Hahaha, Iºm SO mean! Just kidding! So Iºm thinking that we will be doing skype at around 3 our time which should be around 10am your time, I believe. Life sounds light it has been more than crazy. But it makes me SOOOOO happy to hear that Womenºs conference was such a good experience. (Elder Conway just told me that his family told him that Sister Nelson talked about his brother in her talk. When she was talking about a missionary from Armenia that is Elder Conwayºs brother... so many connections!)
Anyways, Life is great with me. My comp. Elder Fontes, has great health now and is happy in Praia. Then my new companion is relatively new in the mission and has just completed his 12 week training. Iºve grateful for this opportunity to be senior companion and even though it is my first time having a responsibility like this it has been such a blessing. Elder Hughes and I have gone through really similar life experiences and are already really great friends! 
  My new comp, Elder Hughes (from Las Vegas), is really into running so Iºve been going for early morning long distance sprints with him. I just love how relaxing it is to feel like my legs will fall off or my lungs will burst into flames, haha. So I would like to share a scripture or two with you, mother, that applies to how crazy life has been lately. It is like running a race!
-1 Corinthians 9:24-27 really we can all win the prize and it just matters that we cross the finish line. 
-In a talk by Sis. Dalton(?) she talks about her running a race and her recieving the rally cry of ªgo Utahª,ªyou can do it Utahª,etc. and isnºt it such a blessing to have great support groups?? 
-In this race Christ is running right next to us, helping us along. Some people think that when we canºt go any farther and fall that he will pick us up and carry us through the finish line. But this is Not how it works, Christ doesnºt just make up the difference... he makes all the difference. ºBy grace we are saved after all we can doº does not mean at the finish line. If all we can do is take one more step this is when His enabling power (grace) will be sufficient. By grace we are saved after each step in the race.
Love your little baby,
Elder Judd

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