Monday, October 26, 2015

June 29, 2015 He stinks!

  I stink! I litterally smell sooo bad, haha. This past week we have been without water, plus our reserve has already gone dry too. Soo... Today is the first day Iºve showered in 4 days.... Yes mother, I know what you are probably thinking, hahaha. Donºt worry though, Iºve been using deodorant!
  Hahaha, everything has been going really great though, Iºve been finding a lot more happiness lately after realizing that Iºve kind of just been in the missionary mode. It was almost like coming out of a daydream. There is no real excuse for falling into that rut but Iºm repenting at least, hahaha. Caring more about the people than caring about the pressure being put on your back to reach the numbers. Always staying awake to what truly matters is pretty important, well very important, well actually essencial. You can loosely connect it to when the apostles were fishing on the boat and couldnºt catch anything. Hours of no success to have someone say try the other side. Haha, the ocean is huge and the boat is tiny so you could ask any fisherman and they would just laugh and say it wouldnºt matter but these apostles tried anyway. We can do the same thing in two ways, the exact same thing with 2 different results: 1. keep living or... 2. Start truly living as we follow the Lordºs command to fish on the other side (no difference at all just a different understanding, a different attitude)
  This past week an Area Seventy from Europe spoke to the islanders of Sal which was then broadcasted to Boa Vista (Yay for technology!). He said a lot of interesting things of course. Iºll share something this next week. Got to go, Iºm sorry again that this email still is not good!!!
I love you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just had a revelation come to me! I canºt believe that I didnºt think of this before! Good thing God is perfectly smart so he can help those who are perfect at forgetting things, like Mother and I.
  I could send you a part of my email to President so you can get more indepth of what is going on in the work. Weºll try it out and see how it is. 

(President Mathews,

This past week a lot of heavenly gifts have been given from our loving Heavenly Father. Even if we pray all day and night to Him we would still be unprofitable servants for everything that He has given us, haha. One of the most obvious miracles this past week: we have gone from only 4 dates marked to 17, and it has been great to see how our faith has increased. It has been something we have needed to repent for: caring more about what investigators would think of us rather than truly caring about what God thinks of us. As we have been trying hard to reach our goals we have been given more people that have been prepared by the Lord. It was great to see an increase in church attendance. We will be focusing on teaching these progressing investigators in the homes of members that can help them even more. We should begin to see baptisms again in the area of Barraca. The division with the APºs was a great way to ºwake upº the area and we will do our best to continue going in this direction. Do all within our circle of control and be in a spirit of prayer and fasting for the things outside of our control.
I had the opportunity to talk to Elder Biddulph today and he has really helped me understand the enemy and understand the weapons that God has given to me and so with this knowledge we have decided that our little calls our done but if I need to call him for extra support than I can. It has been great to recieve the support from you as well, President. We also enjoyed your talks that you and your wife gave at the District Conference.
Elder Hughes is also doing better and we are teaching with a lot more unity recently. Everything is going in a good direction and so I will try extra hard these days to pour out my heart in gratitude to Him, our loving Teacher.

Elder Judd)

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