Monday, October 26, 2015

May 25, 2015

.... What? Marin is getting married? That is too weird!!! Here she wouldnºt get married if she lived in Cape Verde until she was over 50 years old.  Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, I started writing this girl from Brasil that is friends with one of the Brazilian missionaries here. Her name is Lucinda and weºve decided we are getting married in the Recife temple...
  Just kidding! Iºm not writing any brazilians and anyways my heart is locked up like Fort Knox. Sorry, I just have a bad habit of making dumb jokes and seeing how you would react. I can imagine how you reacted and it was pretty funny, haha.
  Donºt worry at all about the package, silly. I donºt really need any packages at all. Donºt even worry about it until you have tons of free time and are bored. Iºm actually really glad that I might be coming home to a new house, it will be good overall. Iºve been praying a lot for our family and for the Lockºs and Edwardºs. 
  Haha, I really am loving it as much as I say, dead serious.  My comp. is still struggling but is doing slightly better overall. It has kind of changed though. He acts like he doesnºt like me but I know deep down he actually does, ahah. Today I made his bed then I come back in the room two seconds later to see that he purposely unfolded the blanket and made a mess of his bed. I smiled to myself as I made it again. I soon came back in and found it messed up again. After repeating the process one more time for good luck I decided that maybe he doesnºt like the way a neat bed looks. The blankets flow better and are more artistic when it isnºt made. He wonºt really talk to me or stay in the same room as me but Iºve learned so much from him. Mostly about my own faults but amazingly I havenºt gotten discouraged about it. All because of the Lord. My companion really has one of the biggest hearts and does such a great job of not exploding when he frequently is about to, haha, even if that means locking himself in the bathroom for a solid half hour. Haha, Iºve never had as many lessons as we did this past week, 35 lessons taught overall. He is very obedient and willing to work really hard. Even though I like just focusing on his weaknesses in this email I know that the Lord put us together because he can help me in a way no one else can. He really is such a great companion.
  It makes me so happy to hear that everything is crazily normal. I love you so much, Mother and Father! I hope you got a couple laughes out of this email because we all need to laugh and smile more. Thanks for everything!
Your dork son,
Elder Judd

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