Monday, October 26, 2015

March 23rd 2015

Dear Family,

  Week after week it never ceases to amaze me the love that I can feel from each one of you. I stand as a testimony that parents can say exactly what their children need to hear. It is incredible. Thank you Dad. Thank you Mom. This past week here in Boa Vista has been incredible and seems to have gone by faster than the 30 minute plane ride over to this island, haha. 
  I work in the Barraka... or the Hole, in other words. It is the shanty town, more or less, of the island but the hearts of these people are rich! Many people from mainland Africa, the island of Santiago, and tourists. They are all tied together by crioule...except the tourists... I need to love them more... it is just harder to do that, haha. 
  My comp, Elder Fontes, and I have become super great friends already and I know that this companionship is going to be awesome! I played soccer for the first time on my mission just a few days ago. The outcome was very predictable in that I was terrible but it was equal in that it was terribly fun. Then I got to teach the English Class of about 15 people. We played head, shoulders, knees and toes at the end, and even though Iºm not very original it was still really fun! Before it started this european showed up and began talking to me (english with a Czech accent) telling me that he found a couple cape verdeans that would like to learn english so he brought them to the class. He then told me that he brought food for the class too! My companion has been here for 5 months and hasnºt ever seen this guy. The thought came to my mind: whether this guy is sent from God or not he is still an angel to these people. He was taught english in the Czech Republic by Elders and then came here to try and help out others and even though he isnºt a member of the church yet he is an incredible man with an incredible story!
  So much sand here, but to say, ºthis island is only sandº would be unfair, there are a few trees. They dig their roots below the sand into the fresh water that is all over this island, just buried. Something nobody would ever think. In Jeremiah 17:7-8 (please read) we can see that these trees will be able to withstand the scorching sun that beats upon their green leaves. They will stand unfazed, healthy, and as testimonies of the living water buried under the things of the earth. The roots must push past the tough things of the world to reach the water. As must we. And it all starts with a seed. The seed(personºs faith) must study the holy scriptures, pray, and feel the spirit in church or it will be like the seed in Alma 32:38. It must stand in holy places, (and regardless of where we are in the world we can do this) or it will have the same fate as in verse 39. With patience, verse 41, this simple seed can grow into a tree of life. With its sweet fruits bringing joy to all those who taste them.
  But seeds are so small, so cheap, and not indespensible at all. How do they have worth if not in large numbers? ~ºCompared to God we are nothing but TO God we are everything.º (translated from portuguese, sorry) -Elder Utchdorf.
  Even though this world seems to be falling to ruins, becoming desolate, there are green trees everywhere. We need to get our head out of the sand and enjoy the beauty of the good people that are all over the world. They are the green trees. 

I love you all!
Elder Judd

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