Monday, October 26, 2015

June 1, 2015

This week was so much fun! We are still working as hard as we can but I love every second of it! My companion is doing sooooooooo much better! It makes me so happy to see! The branch will be having a baptism this next week for a wise nigerian man named Don. God led us to him only about a week and a half ago but he is so humble and ready to follow God. He recieved his answer that the Book of Mormon is true through his dreams (which is the way 75% of people recieve their answer from God here in most African countries, it is very interesting) and he reads everything that we leave for him. I know a lot of Nigerians here and so I am asking how to say basic phrases in their tribal language of Ebu...(I donºt know how to spell the name of the language)
  I hope that everything is doing alright back at home, I pray for you all multiple times a day. I will be sending my journal home either this week or next week so you will get a ton of information (still havenºt missed a day yet). I love you all with all my heart and hope that this week goes wonderfully. I canºt believe it is already summer! Parker is going to be a Senior and Kennedi is in High School! I just have a quick question.... and I feel terrible asking it: what day is Dadºs birthday again? I could make up some excuse why I forgot my own fatherºs birthday but regardless of anything... I still forgot it. 
  Love you, Mother!
Elder Judd

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