Monday, October 26, 2015

May 18, 2015

  Well, it still hasnºt changed: I still love you and am still so grateful for all the emails you so faithfully send me. I have fasted twice for Parker and have been praying for him like crazy! And I couldnºt be more happy to hear that he is doing well and will be able to go back to school tomorrow. I had my whole district praying for him as well, haha. Anyways, to answer some questions you have in life:
-choose to be a temple worker, haha, just kidding. The Lord will decide but Iºm just bias.
-keep trying to downsize if you feel it is the Lordºs will and the Lord will recognize your efforts and desires and will bless you with a smaller.
-I have not read those talks but if you could send them I can take a pic with my camera of the computer screen and read it later. I have to ask a monumental favor: because it is so hard to get good church resources here could you send me a flashdrive with lots and lots of your favorites talks that could help missionaries or could help Cabo Verdeanos? Anything about breaking tradition, one true church, and stuff like that would be extra appreciated. I feel SOOO terrible for always just asking instead of just giving and anything I say is only a suggestion if you want to and have time to.
-My week was super great. the last couple days have been hard though. My companion is really really having a hard time staying happy in his mission. Please pray for Elder Hughes, he needs it so badly. Iºm keeping in touch with President though and so I know that my comp. will be able to become happier and more open on his mission. 
-The branch president likes the missionaries again so the island is good, haha. (he was just trying to cancel one of our baptisms but we went ahead with it anyways and so he was Super mad at us. He is super super super awesome so he forgave and forgot really quickly though.)
-We still have some glasses so I think we should be good. Maybe my next area though, Iºm sure it would be a super huge help to change so many lives. People need to be able to see to be able to read the best book in the world! Thanks again, from the bottom of my heart, for sending those glasses. Also if you could send an 8g flashdrive in the next package that would be super awesome, along with the new journal. I already finished my last one so Iºll be sending that to you next week. 
-Go ahead with your sleeping-in plan. I sleep in every single day to whatever hour I want! Except that hour always happens to be 6:30 weirdly enough...
-That was news to me to hear about the Bangerters! Iºm super happy and excited for them!!! What mission in Brasil? Because all the Portuguese speaking countries have connections and so I might know a few people in their mission possibly. Brasil, where they speak pure, pretty, and perfect portuguese! Super cool!
-That is super great to hear about RS! Iºm sure it has been great to have a little more time to focus on that now that Womenºs Conference is over.
-Also, I heard that Baltimore had some insane rioting going on and that Elder Leavitt had to be moved from his area.
I love you so much, Parents! And entire family! Iºm especially proud of you Parker! Can you believe how fast time has gone?? 
-Elder Judd

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