Monday, October 26, 2015

April 27, 2015

ºGod is a God of miraclesº as Iºm sure we have all heard many times: itºs true. I heard something else though that we donºt hear very often we, as missionaries, are Godºs investigators. ºOurº investigators are not even ours but are also Godºs, haha. I learned this lesson this past week in a way that I cannot and will not ever forget.
  Having the amazing opportunity to be on the tiny island of Boa Vista is such a blessing but on the downside it is very isolated and ºout-of-touchº with the rest of Cabo Verde. Everything was going great until my companion started having tooth pain, which is one of the reasons this miracle happened. We had to travel to Praia, the capitol city, where there are 200,000 people, half of the whole nationºs population. Itºs a big city in perspective. So we got there not knowing with whom we would be spending the night (nor did they). We then got the results that my companion would need 2 root canal surgeries... haha, the miracle isnºt about him having his teeth healed but something that happened because his teeth were destroyed.
  That night we found out where we were staying and split up with those elders working in that area. I had already known that Elder and so we went to our appointment... but he just had this smurk on his face like he was hiding something. When we got to the house the lady kindly let us in with her crioule distinctly from the northern islands. Anyways, after a minute of small talk she asks if she should call Jacinto in.... then I knew why this Elder had the smurk on his face. Jacinto. One of the Lordºs Recent Converts that I was blessed to help to baptism in Tarrafal. My best friend in all of Cape Verde! He came walking in the door to see me in his sisterºs house and what a miracle it was. He lives 2 hours, by car, from the capitol and would only be spending one day there. We had come many many hours from Boa Vista and I would only be spending one day there as well! And we just ºhappenedº to go to the same house within 5 minutes of each other without the knowledge of the other! There are miles and miles of apartments stacked next to each other on top of each other and every which way. Literally 1 in 100 million chance, maybe more. I could go on and on but it sufficieth to say that this lesson was the most spiritual lessons I have ever had the priviledge of feeling in my life. The Elder told me that it was all just one of the Lordºs ºcoincidencesº He makes, haha. I had never gotten to say goodbye to him and give him my tie he asked for because I had to leave in such a hurry so as we were sitting down in that lesson I took off my tie and fulfilled my promise. The rest of the night I had no tie but people wouldnºt notice, my smile was too big and too distracting.
  Then this Elder took me up to the highest point in Praia and didnºt allow me to see the night view until he sat me on a ledge of an abandoned building with my feet hanging hundreds of feet above the houses below. When I lifted up my head I saw all the lights but as we began talking the lights became blurred as tears filled my eyes. This Elder thanked me for my help and example and told me he was talking to some other missionaries the day before about the most wise things he has ever heard. He told the others, ºIt was what Elder Judd told me when I asked him how he was doing, really asked him, he said with a smile, ªBetter than I deserveª.º We prayed over the city. Full of sin and confusion but so full of great people and laughter.

Elder Judd

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