Monday, October 26, 2015

June 8, 2015

....Wow.... That is so much going on! How can you handle it all?? Haha, I guess that you have a lot of practice... A lot!
Iºm so glad that Parker had such a great time at conference. He looks like a European, hahaha. I see a lot of tourists that look just like him, haha. I met a Nigerian named Harrison, it caught me off guard, haha, because that is so not a Nigerian name. Well, Iºm so sorry that I donºt have much time to send you an actual email, You should get my journals in about a month. 
  Haha, it is cool that we wonºt be in such a big house. I would literally not be able to handle it when I will get back. I sent a longer email to your husband this week so you can all read that one as well.  I love you so much sweet mother. I pray for you all specifically multiple times per day and the Lord has blessed me with the ability to never let my love for you all turn into longing to get out of the mission feild. 

(Do you remember the talk from this last conference where he compared everything to instruments and music? That one was super good)
Thanks so much for all your loving support! I love you forever Iºll like you for always as long as youºre living my mommy youºll be.
Elder Judd

This photo was taken at the perfect moment to capture my true natural beauty, haha.
oh also, Elder Conway, my super amazing MTC comp. just got transfered to Fogo. It has been so fun to be on such a tiny island with him for so long. We have become best friends! I already miss him because I probably wonºt see him at all for the rest of my mission but it was such a blessing to be on Boa Vista together again.
and... Elder Drawe, will be having his homecoming in a couple months in Saint George and so you are all invited to that, haha. It is obviously super far away but he said he will talk about me in his talk, haha. He will come up and visit you guys a little while after he comes home, I just wanted to let you know. (:
Have a maybe less crazy week!
Elder Judd

My great Dad,
  Hahaha, please donºt apologize for not writing me this past week. Thanks. Because where was my email to you last week? Doesnºt exist, haha, and I understand how crazy life is these days. Iºm sorry that I havenºt been giving the weekly emails to update about everything like I used to. Well, it was so great to get your email! It had such timeless wisdom and priceless advice in it.
  Everything has been going great out here. In terms of my happiness, Iºm really really happy. It is bittersweet how fast the time flies by though. The work was quite hard this last week. We havenºt had a baptism in a long time and our super solid baptism fell shortly before his baptism. His ex-wife just randomly moved back in with him, it literally came out of nowhere. But we are happy because that just means there is a possibility of helping them get married and then baptized. Life is so much better when we think outside the box in a positive way. 
  My companion and I will be together for at least another transfer and I am so grateful for it because this last week is when we really became great friends. He is a lot happier lately and it is fun to be friends rather than just companions. I have so much to learn from you, Dad, I love and appreciate your advice so much. I hope you know that. To be honest, I took you so much for granted but Iºve really been seeing lately the life lessons you have taught me that are helping me out so much! 
  Elder Drawe, my first companion in Cape Verde and best friend, is going to be opening up a new area here in Cabo Verde. A city that has SOOO many people in it and has always been mysteriously kept closed... for no apparent reason. Well, now my trainer is opening it with the last AP, super great news!
Well, Dad, I just want you to know without a doubt that I love you so much, Dad. Donºt ever doubt that for a second. Love you!!!! (: 
Elder Judd 

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