Monday, October 26, 2015

March 30, 2015

Hi Mom!

  How are you doing? How is the ward? How is our family? How is BYU? Is it warming up there? How is the house? Why is your jacket so big? (that last one was from the movie ELF if you were wondering, haha) Just kidding, mom, I would love to answer your questions.

-We will be broadcasting the womenºs meeting this weekend
-We get conference on the computer, download it, play it on the plasma TV we have.
-Branch of 50 active members and we meet in a nice rented out building.
-No idea on the Population but it is small when you subtract all the tourists, haha
-We run every morning (my companion used to run A TON before the mission so he works me well, haha), we study, teach in our area, have lunch, then teach in our area some more, then we go home, then plan, then sleep, and I LOVE every second of it!
-There is plenty to keep busy in our area! We donºt spend very long in the street because we usually walk a little ways and then we are in another personºs house teaching them. We have about 25ish lessons to investigators every week.
-I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my companion! He is such a funny guy! He cracks me up just thinking about him right now, haha. I love every cape verdean Iºve met. 
-Our apartment is great! It is on the 5th floor so the stairs are helping my belly and the view. It has a lot of broken stuff and we take bucket showers with no actually shower just the drain in the bathroom and we only have running water about half the time and light goes out sometimes but I still love it! My bed is super comfortable too!
-It hasnºt been hot, it has been perfect! I actually have worn my cardigan a few times already, never thought I would have to do that!
-No, haha, those were the shoes of a missionary who has already gone home, my shoes are still holding up like champs! It is way easy to walk in the sand and not get my shoes dirty too.
-Worst part of Boa Vista is personal problems and the best part is working in the Barraka. We find miracle people so often! It is so different and SO much easier in that sense than Tarrafal.

I am in need of three things
1. a 4g pendrive or an 8g pendrive (they are SOOO expensive here in Boa Vista especially)
2. A new Journal (yes, Iºve already gone through another one, haha, I hope youºll enjoy this next one)
3. and, if possible, some easy to ship magnifying glasses because I would say about 1\2 of our investigators have bad eyesight and donºt have the money to go get eye glasses. It would be wonderful if we could get quite a few because this will open up the door for a lot of people. 
4. Your prayers especially, Iºm in need of extra help to overcome something in my life.

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