Monday, October 26, 2015

May 11, 2015

  Mother I love you, mother I do, Father in Heaven has sent me to you, when I am near you I love to hear you singing so softly that you love me too. Mother I love you, I love you, I do.
  Mom, donºt you worry at all about the conversation last night. I couldnºt have been more happy!! But Iºm sorry to inform you that I do Not have a weird accent... it must have just been my cold or the webcam. Haha, anyways, I hope you know that Iºve been praying extra hard for the family! Everything will turn all just as it is supposed to which will be good, so donºt worry. I didnºt really know about his surgery beforehand. So much more serious than I was thinking! I really feel bad for not being nicer to Parker last night, I canºt even imagine what he is going through. 
  (sorry, to ask this of you but Iºm in real need of another journal. Could send two this time, that would be a major blessing! Iºll be sending one home really soon. Also if you have Jackson Aubreyºs email, thanks!)
The reading glasses have made such an amazing impact. Within the first 3 days of that package being opened most of the glasses were already gone and given out to well deserving people. The people here (all the members too) told me to tell the Judd family thank you so much for blessings their lives. Even though we are far away this people loves you so much! Thanks for everything mother!
May Father give you all the bounteous blessings you deserve!
Elder Judd

(We ended up talking to him all squished into the ER room at Primary Childrens because Parker has some major complications from his surgery and had to be readmitted. What a blessing modern technology is! We grabbed the computer on our way to the hospital)

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