Monday, February 2, 2015

Jan 5, 2015

  This past week Tata got baptized (20 years old) and it was the day after she got word that she needed to go right then to visit her grandmother who is on the edge of death. She had the choice to go and see her for the last time or get baptized. We talked with her but mostly listened and let her make her own decision. I had the opportunity to promise her as a representative of Christ that her grandma would not die until after she received the gift of the Holy Ghost and visit her.... Tata was baptized, received the Holy Ghost, and then bore one of the most pure testimonies I have ever heard in front of the whole congregation. For some more background on Tata: she is also so timid and embarrassed she will not look at us during lessons and went through all our visits with her head in her hands.. sometimes responding but always listening. It was a truly amazing baptism and, just like all the others, there was a big trial of faith before the decision could be made.
  The past two weeks I have eaten duck, seaweed, octopus, shark, intestines, cow tongue and of course lots of rice. We also had a couple drunk guys show up to church the past week. One came right up to me and embraced me and cried on my shoulder for a good minute or two. Yeah, New Years was insane here in Cabo Verde. We almost had to go home early because of the parties getting out of hand but the Lord protected us and allowed us to keep working. 
   I love this time of year where we can make goals to improve ourselves. However strange it sounds it is true that self improvement is fun for us when we can see our progress. 
  My main goal for this new year is to get completely lost in the work. Iºve decided not to email home anymore.
  Anyways, The last little news is that a really good friend out here in the mission has just become AP which I just heard minutes ago. Things are going amazing out here. I love you all!
  I love you especially mother!!!! Happy Birthday!!! And I was just kidding about not emailing you anymore, hahaha.

Elder Judd

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