Monday, February 2, 2015

Jan 19, 2015

Dear family and friends,
  To start of this past week we had an interview with the Mission President, President Mathews, and the love that I felt during that interview (both for and from him) was something that I will not soon forget. The amount of time that President and his wife give up to the Lord is rather superhuman not to mention the time the make for each of the missionaries. Truly inspired and full of light.
  This past week the Lord has given us couples who want to get married. This is truly a miracle here because people that have been living together for 20 years still think it is too early to get married. I am so grateful for the Family Proclamation to the World. Scripture that has been revealed to benefit all of us as we become closer as families: the most important structure in society. Here in Tarrafal I have been able to see children grow up, parents get married, and also many funerals.
  One of my greatest friends here in the ward has become a parent recently to a new baby boy. This tiny little blessing in the hands of the father is truly a sight to see. The dad is a tall, strong, and big man with hands worn by years of manual labor but seeing the gentleness in which he held his son and how soft his heart was really stopped time for me. In that little african home I had a moment, a moment in which I realized better what heaven really is.
  The relationships that have grown from the ground up as Iºve been here have been the greatest reward for me. That is how the Lord can bless us, with greater appreciation to our families. Dear Family, no words that I could ever say would amount to anything compared to the love that I have felt. That is why Iºm glad the Lord is so loving, but still, I love you all and I will not ever stop saying it.
  A party bigger than New Years and Christmas combined happened this past week: Santo Amaro! Not one person in Tarrafal knows who that is but the festival itself was almost too big for Tarrafal to handle. Buses full of people from almost all the cities on this island came to drop off the people here, well actually the drivers came to party too. Haha, we will be having Carnival here pretty soon, we will probably have to stay inside for that one.
  Later in the week we got news that we will be turned from a Stake into a District here in Assomada and that Tarrafal is now a branch. Pretty fantastic news for the strength of the church here. Then on Sunday I got to give a surprise talk (only about 30 minutes to prepare) on the topic of Conversion. It is the adventure of life to be more consecrated by being more faithful to the testimony we have. It is more important what we are doing to be true to our testimony rather than how large and grand it is. This is why the Atonement is a Continuous Atonement rather than a ºone and done purificationº at the end of our lives. This is why we must not procrastinate the day of our repentance. And so this is why families are so important, we have each other. A shoulder to cry on, a kind word to be given, and regardless of petty arguments we will always be family. Another time... I love you family and friends.

Until next week,
Elder Judd

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