Monday, February 2, 2015

Jan 12, 2015

Dearest Family,
  It is rather hard to express the feelings of my heart right now because the Lord has been so good to me. Iºm sorry for how empty some of my words have been in the past but am so glad we all have this opportunity together to learn and grow. This past week has been full of emotions. I have never felt such sorrow before for the decisions some people are making, it makes me really sad. I would be acting ignorantly if I only focused on these things though, this past week has been so full of miracles, some of which are even too personal to share. Hebrews 11 truly demonstrates the miracles wrought through the faith of the weak.
  I finished the New Testament this past week and am so grateful for the words those pages hold. So many things spoken through the spirit testify of the things we deal with in our lives. The Gospel is awe inspiringly grand yet so applicable and relevant in this life.
  An Elder that has been serving in Mozambique returned home to the ward in which we are serving and it was wonderful to hear that he is great friends with all those whom I became so close to in the MTC. He is a great help in finding golden investigators.
  The work is going well but the Cape Verdean parties are really a hinderance. From 6pm to 8am these concerts, parties, and dances are relentless in robbing so many of control over themselves through worldly desires. This has been a major contributor to the feelings of our hearts for these people. The sweetest people donºt need to be bittered by alcohol and the aftertaste of broken hearts.
  But on the other hand I have been completely hypocritical because of the addiction to food I have aquired, haha. While in a lesson where everything was going wonderfully I was explaining about how the church broke and fell. Right on cue the chair under me broke and fell! Luckily I was able to move fast enough and not meet the same fate as the primitive church and that primitive chair. Haha, we all laughed for a good long while.
  Sorry for how short this one is, but life goes on. I love you all! Make it a fantastic week!
Elder Judd

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