Monday, February 2, 2015

December 15, 2014

I KNOW THAT I AM THE WORST OF ALL TIME AT WRITING MY FAMILY! I really cannot say how terrible I feel, I will go and repent. I could go on forever telling you have sorry I am and how terrible I feel but instead Iºll just write as much as I can... I also heard Iºm your second favorite missionary now... Well, I deserve that, haha. I feel terrible!
  Transfers were last night and I will be staying in Tarrafal with Elder Drawe as my companion again. I will need to support him even more as he serves as District Leader this transfer. Today one of my best friends on the mission, Elder Mckissick, left Tarrafal to go to Praia. The thing is there are not any more transfers for him, he will be flying back to Utah tomorrow. Who he is proves how well he served the Lord during his lifetime. I know that he will be so blessed back in his house.
  We will be going to Praia on Wednesday for the Mission Christmas Devotional, which will be another time to listen to the inspired words of our wonderful Mission President Mathews and his wife.
  This past transfer we baptized this wonderful family, who are so close to my heart and to the Lord. Dulcilena is the single mother of the family and, like her name closely resembles in Portuguese, she is the sweetest! She reminds me so much of you, dear mother, because, for example, she makes food and takes it to the hospital just about every day of the week. Beyond this, she is always washing clothes for her neighbors, babysitting, or doing some other act of service. Her story is truly remarkable and rather hard to believe. She is open to share that she spent 3 years in prison for getting into smuggling and wouldºve staying imprisoned longer if it were not for her good behavior. She has done more for this ward already than any other member in the ward besides our Bishop, really more than everyone.
  We had our ward Christmas party this past week and it was a HUGE success. We as the missionaries planned it and the ward executed it, the amount of help was really a blessing as well. In the end Elder Drawe and I sang the First Noel or Quando Anjo Proclamou in Portuguese and we then watched this new movie about the period leading up to Christ's birth and, of course, the miraculous advent of His arrival to the earth. What an incredible film, it was even longer than I thought it would be too.
  80-90 people came to the activity. We have less people than that come to church on Sunday so it was really a success! Tons of rice and cake afterwards which was wonderful. (by the way Iºve still been gaining weight, Iºm actually really fat now, not kidding, haha) The wonderful this is that Dulcilena, without having a calling, came to help out and when she found people being slackers she got things going. She also invited 6 friends to the party that we are currently teaching because of this.
  All these things came from receiving a reference from Bishop to go and teach this family. That small act was the greatest miracle we have had in this past transfer.
  On the other side of missionary work we have some struggles. It is so difficult to see people who have been prepared by the Lord to be presented the Gospel and they are progressing but then something comes in their way and decided to choose to go in a different direction. We have so much confidence that they can choose to receive help from the Lord but they choose not to. Arguably the biggest factor that is at play is tradition. Traditions have taken deep root here in Cabo Verde and it just goes to show that people that are completely open will have the better relationship with our Loving Heavenly Father. Also the culture of guys being able to have multiple women and leaving them whenever they see fit has been very difficult on me. What a blessing that this mission has to teach of the prophetºs proclomation: A Family Proclamation to the World! If the establishment of solid families was introduced here 95% of all problems would stop.
  I am just so grateful for the family that I have that has been my life. I apologize again for not emailing, Iºm sure it has been killing you. I love you all more than you know, my love has just grown on the mission and I apologize for not showing it. Iºm glad that you have been enjoying Elder Draweºs emails. Love you family!
Merry Christmas!
Elder Judd
in honor of Chandler... Buddy the elf is trying to be a missionary

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