Monday, February 2, 2015

Feb 2, 2015 (I'm finally caught up!)

After about 6 months spending everyday (besides divisions) with Elder Drawe it is incredible strange to not even been on the same island as him. We are both the best of friends and I know for a fact that for the rest of our lives we will always be visiting each other. Transfers just happened and I will be staying here in Tarrafal which is such a blessing in my life. I love this area so much and I love this people. Even though I still am in my first area I know that this is where I need to be and Iºm super excited to meet my new companion this week, Elder Stratton. I think he is from Utah and I think he has over a year in the mission but the only thing I do know is that he is a wonderful missionary. Iºve heard great things about him and he is coming from an island where President sends some of the best missionaries.
  Elder Drawe will be going up to the northern islands to be a Zone Leader there. Iºm super excited for him and canºt even express how grateful I am for him.
  This past Sunday not one of our investigators showed up nor did the less actives that have been attending... and I have never been more grateful for this. It was a blessing from God that they somehow All didnºt come. We had something kind of crazy happen in church (although it is sad to say that we were not suprised)... A member got up to bear their testimony in front of the ward and began to pour out accusations against many members of the church. Regardless if it was true or not the pure anger and hatred and frustration really brought in the spirit of contention. By the maturity of many truly converted members the spirit was brought back in.They got up afterward those long minutes of listening to yelling but with love and patience and power bore their testimonies and the Spirit of the Lord returned. It was truly an amazing thing to witness that the work of the Lord cannot be stopped because, as humans, we have the divine potencial to be as our loving Heavenly Father.
  The work continues to go on every day and I am grateful for how the Lord allows us and helps us to change. I love you all so very much!
Elder Judd

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