Monday, February 2, 2015

Jan 26, 2015

 Once again I saw this week of how the Lordºs perfect nature doesnºt change and that is why the change is the only constant thing in life... regardless is it that makes sense to us, haha. For us in these latter days we call change the hastening of the work. But our ward was turned from a ward into a branch this past week and whether we think it is a step back or not it is always a step forward in the eternal plan of God. Assomada is now a district and we were blessed enough to have the Area 70, Elder Morreira, come and speak to us. Everything that we see being done here is obviously preparing Cabo Verde for a temple in the next 5 years or so.
  ...This past week the Lord handed 3 married couples into our laps and what a miraculous opportunity we have been given. Elder Drawe and I have been trying to be a lot more obedient to what is right by following the spirit because situations can be different because, as we all know, God can work in mysterious ways.
  The brother of the first counselor in the Tarrafal Branch Presidency passed away this past week. Another death claimed by alcohol but the thing that was most comforting was the strength of the members. It just deepened the richness of their lives because of that experience rather than dulled them spiritually. All this comes from the wonderful Understanding of the Plan of Happiness. That death was balanced by another birth into the world. Our great friend Valdo has just become a father. Super exciting to see the new light that has entered into their lives.
  The English class that we have been holding has been a great way to help get these kids (and anyone that cares) to be more excited about learning. Plus playing head shoulders knees and toes in English is pretty fun too.
  That is some of what happened this week. I love you all and am grateful for everything. Have the best week ever!

Elder Judd

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