Monday, February 2, 2015

December 29, 2014

Here are our awesome Cape Verdean presents! Jon's tie, my dress, Parker's shirt, Kennedi's shoes, Isabelle's necklace

Dear Family,
  This past Christmas was honestly the best one that I have ever had! I got to be with my ºfamilyº here in Cape Verde and to talk with you all there in Utah. I really hope that this past Christmas was wonderful for all of you and that we can be just as close as a family throughout the rest of the year. I cannot even express how wonderful it is to be a part of our family. I would never ask for anyone different in our family, and am so grateful that I have the best parents in the world.
  Christmas eve Elder Drawe and I built a quick fort in our kitchen with blankets and both slept in there that night. It was wonderful waking up at the usual time but with extra love in our hearts for the amazing gift we have all been given. He is perfect and Iºm so glad I see Godºs hand in our lives every day. We visited a lot of recent converts of ours and stopped by some wonderful members in our ward. I have never eaten so much in my entire life and am sure you enjoyed seeing how large I truly am. I have to apologize for how short the skype call was and also for how ungrateful I have been with writing you all. Iºm sorry mom, yeah, I could use some legitamate excuses but youºve already heard 19 years of excuses, haha.
  We got the opportunity to have a division the day after Christmas and it is always wonderful to see the amazing missionaries that the Lord has. I also love hearing about all the missionaries that have been leaving from our ward lately, it is sooo awesome!
  May this next year be so full of family. We canºt ever forget what we should be using our time for. We will never be on our death bed wishing that we spent more time in the office or running about for superficial activities. People is what this life is about and so I hope that for all of us we can have ºPeopleº as one of our New Years Resolutions. Whatever it may be: call old friends, visit old members, something with renewing so that we may be continually renewed this new year. I pray that we may find gratitude and joy in the changes that will occur in the future that will bring about self improvement. Every day of our lives can be a little better than the last. No day is just ºanother dayº.
It was wonderful getting to see how you have all changed and I hope that you got that peice of dust out of your eye mother. It really was making you cry.
With Love,
Elder Judd
Elder McKissick is home!

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