Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 24, 2014

Mother Dearest!
  Sorry how horrible I have been at emailing recently but time is literally my worst enemy. I honestly couldnºt describe how fast time has been going out here. It is bittersweet. Iºm sorry! Anyway, about Fogo: I can see the volcano from the street and can see the smoke coming from the volcano. It is so crazy to see that it is actually real and not just one of those classic volcano pictures! No one has been hurt and so it is really nothing. Haha, an investigator family we are becoming great friends with said that there are going to be earthquakes soon and that if we have a real bad earthquake that the island of Brava will sink, hahaha. Everything is fine of course but it was just funny to hear what they were saying about it. The people here have such a different sense of humor but I have come to love it so much. Haha, the other day I called a really great member in our ward a beast, while he was working super hard at a service project, but apparently it is super offensive here. Yeah.... that has happened a lot more than just once, haha, but the people here are completely understanding.
  Iºm sure that Elder Leavittºs talk was absolutely amazing. I love hearing things about the ward because I can completely feel the prayers of those people all the way out here in Cabo Verde, it is really an amazing thing to experience. Mom, that is really great to hear about Relief Society and crazy that I donºt know those people. Regardless of change the Gospel of the Lord is still true.
  Lately Iºve been thinking a lot about the Atonement and the Plan of Salvation and Iºve been so grateful for the desire the Lord has blessed me with to learn as much as I possibly can and expand my understanding about the mysteries of God. It allows us to enjoy life in a new way, a deeper way. I couldnºt ever give the Thanks to God that He deserves.
  ... Is Stefano living at home?? If so tell him that I love him so much! 
 The package is a surprise when you get it. (I havenºt gotten the Christmas package yet but the other two yes)  Love you more than you could imagine!

Elder Judd

November 17, 2014

 Sorry for not having much time, but I know how great you always are so I've been trying to focus on those who need it most. Love you to the sun and back though! Next week I'll send a good email, haha.
 I haven't bought a camera yet, I wasn't sure if you were going to send it in a package but I think that would be the best option. Also I would love another journal or two because this one is already full. (I haven't missed a day yet, yay) And if it isn't to much to ask, could I get scripture mastery reference cards so I can get more references memorized to use? I really apologize for only asking things from you, as I have my whole life. It kills me just being so needy! Covering the package in Mother Mary pictures should help out with theives. Also, an idea, that for a Christmas Package to me you can send as much as you'd like so that I can give it to the church to distribute it out for families to have Christmas in Tarrafal. No more time, ahhh!

Love you with my whole heart! The Lord will bless you for sacrifice! Love you again!
Elder Judd
Sister Drawe and the Whole Drawe Family!

  I have to apologize for not writing sooner to say thank you. Thank you for your son! I am aware you already know how amazing he is but I don't think it could be said enough! He even shared his package with me! He was so willing to give me my favorite cereal ever, Lucky Charms! I would just like to reasure you all know that he is doing wonderful in his mission. He has taught me to work hard but enjoy every sunset, every moment, and every person. 
  I know the Lord blessed me with Elder Drawe as my trainer because of the specific things I have already learned from him. It also doesn't hurt that we are best friends! You raised a great son, and the willingness of each and every one of you to support him is a testimony to the Lord of your willingness to sacrifice. And I've learned: Sacrifice is love. I am grateful for Christ's sacrifice for each and every one of us. The Lord is the perfect teacher and through His spirit we learn of His Atonement. It isn't just in church, it is in life. The Gospel is life. Life is the Gospel. There is no disconnect, and although we do not know the meaning of all things, even as the great prophet Nephi didn't (1 Ne. 11:17-18), we can know the we have a Loving Heavenly Father. Elder Drawe really is someone special in the lives of so many people, and the members in the Drawe family are as well. We have God to thank for this blessing. May God bless you all with quality time together this holiday season!

Have a Dougie-Fresh Christmas!
-Elder Judd


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Nov 10, 2014

  I am no longer a greenie! Haha, I'm still working here in Tarrafal at least until next transfers. Some revelation I got was that for sure I will be training more than one missionary on my mission. It was really comforting when the spirit testified this to me because ever since the beginning I have lost all desire to serve in leadership, I just want to train. Elder Drawe was a great trainer and I am glad I get to stay with him an support him as he is district leader.
  It is so great to hear that the new job is going so well! God will always bless the righteous. Thank you also for that advice that you gave. To be honest, previous missionaries in this area just tried to baptize as much as possible and now we have more inactive members than we have active members. Which means over one hundred... it is incredibly sad. I will definitely apply your advice more because if we can integrate less actives back into the ward that is great in the sight of God. Everything you said was so true and proof as to how hard of a worker you must have been on your mission. I think to your example often, I try to make you proud. I love you, dad, I hope you know just how much I love you. Yesterday we were super behind on our numbers for the week so we set ridiculous goals to reach and at first I doubted a little but in the end had faith because God had ALWAYS blessed us in the past for working as hard as we could. We ended up falling short on only a couple goals, but really miracles happen when you push just a little bit harder when you don't think you can or want to. Have a great week, Dad! I won't let you down, or God because you both want the best for me. Love you! "sometimes while living in the present you get destroyed in a game of ping pong but there is always another game to lose" haha, 2 years of trash talk is really going to mess with your head. Too bad my head already got messed up from you dominating me in the very last game, hahaha.

Really though, I really can't describe how grateful I am for you and for mom. I have not yet found a family here where the mom and dad love each other like you two do. I rarely even find married couples period. If you could pray that a couple will be prepared for marriage when missionaries will pass by them that will eternally affect a family relationship for the better. Love you so much Dad. Don't cry about the trash talk, I was just kidding, haha.

I'm still gaining some weight, getting nice and fat just so you don't worry. I really am so sorry about the camera. Some Cape Verdean has a nice camera with a really nice sd card right now, you can probably guess how much else that person has. Even though stealing is not good for them that camera can be a blessing for them. 
  This past week: Jacinto, one of my best friends here in Cape Verde, got baptized! He is 26 years old and we have been teaching him for a long time and I am so glad we didn't ever judge him because he always has rasta apparel and smoked a lot of padginha. He has the sweetest dreds ever and always is caring towards others.
  Two things happened: I am no longer being trained and also I will be staying in Tarrafal for this next transfer. I am so grateful for the people here and even though at times I feel like I am progressing way too slow I can't help but feel the Love of God in my life. Elder Drawe and I will continue to be companions and I am so grateful for this companionship. I have a feeling will be favorite companions throughout our missions.
  I love you sweet mother and pray for you all the time as I imagine how incredibly busy you are. You don't need to ever worry about me, the Lord protects his missionaries like crazy. I am no longer scared of the dogs here, haha. I am grateful for your example to me of serving a faithful missionary. I am so proud to call you my mother and the relief society president here has heard a lot about you from me and how amazing you are. 
  Tell Isabelle that I say hi and that she makes a very cute bee. Tell Kennedi that she is awesome.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Man I love his companion!

Mom: So here is my long email for the week.

Whatever we want it to be pretty much... ava maria! We got to go! Bye, Love you an infinite amount, haha, beat that!

Elder Judd

BUT here is what his great companion wrote! Thank you Elder Drawe!

So literally this week I was junior Comp. Elder Judd was senior Comp this whole week. I am not going to lie, it was super relaxing, but also, I learned alot. Elder Judd is a missionary that has sooo much desire in the work. He just leaves his heart out there. He has really opened my eyes on how to really work hard! Elder Judd is one of those different Comps for me. I look at him as my Kid, Comp, and a missionary. But most importantly I see him as one of my great friends! He will definately be one of those missionaries that I will keep in contact with after the mission.

So as for news of the baptism that went missing....yeah as of right now he is in Portugal. He is representing Santiago North for boxing. So Pray that he will do well and that he will remember who he is and where he came from and what he has learned! He will come back soon. 
 Transfers this week! I will let you know what happens! I I love you guys tons!

Nov 3rd 2014

No letter this week, just one to pass on, so I stole from it!

This past week there was one night that we only had 30 minutes to find a new investigator, and a less active, and a member all in one lesson... we had nothing marked. That day we walked more than we ever have before and we were dead tired. We got this prompting to travel down and back up this ravine, not only did we not think our legs could make it we didn't think we would have enough time. We decided to act out in faith anyway and we came down the ravine to find 3 people sitting on a porch. We soon recognized a member, a less active, and after the spirit guided our lesson we marked with the third and she became a new investigator. Nothing could have been done in more order.

Oct 27th

Dear Mother,
  I will tell you the hard parts of my mission: that baptism of Nelson, the boxer, fell through because Satan influencing him to think he is not ready, similar a dozen other baptisms we would have had that fell due to some reason. It is sad to see the fact that it is almost unheard of to find families where they had a Mom and Dad that have been married and not left each other. Always they have kids out of wedlock then the guy bounces. The amount of alcoholism is staggering here, on average we have about 5 experiences every day with drunk people. The part that is perhaps harder than that is the number of members that backbite and are not truly converted to the Gospel of Christ. Soo much gossiping and drama. After a Correlation meeting with almost zero charity I went home absolutely sad and without Elder Drawe. I have never felt more alone in my life, and dreaded how bad of an impact I would then have on the greenie I was going to be on a division with and training. I prayed with all my heart to God but only felt the very smallest of feelings, as I soon began getting back into focusing on the investigators that feeling of loneliness left me and never returned. 
   I love hearing about Womenºs Conference! Wow! Life seems to be a bit crazy for you all but pretty rewarding. Iºm so blessed to say that Christi Judd is my mom, Iºm the luckiest son to the greatest parents I could ever have. I really mean that too! Not much time, sorry.
-People here wear tons of stuff with Utah stuff on it, practically everyone has at least one shirt. Iºm guessing it is because of D.I. maybe?
-Wheelchairs with a patch of the Churchºs title on the back, can be seen ridden by a couple crippled people here in Tarrafal.
-Our new Bispo owns a little furnace to make cookies and cakes so he walks around all the time with a bucket full of cookies to give out to people. He is one of the most Christlike people I have ever met.
-We had 300 people in Tarrafal Crismar or ºchristen?º in the Catholic church and that night I have never seen more drunk people in one city. We found one guy to talk to that wasnºt drunk though, it was crazy. 
-The next day a Cape Verdean Funeral where the whole town was wearing black and you could hear women wailing with all their might and crying as much as possible, it is a lot different culture here.
Yup, that is about everything this week. Love you to the moon and back!
Elder Judd

 I have to apologize for those last emails! I am just being so negative! Sorry! Really though I wouldnºt have enough room to talk about all the great things about Cape Verde and my mission. God is a God of mercy, God is Love. I have learned so much but just like Nephi and even moreso: I do not know the condesension of God or the meaning of all things but I know with all my heart, without a shadow of a doubt that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us. Mom, When I imagine the women in the life of Christ that worshipped him, had such faith in him, and followed him I always imagine you among that elect group. I love you all so much and am slowly learning the meaning of the Gospel which is really just life day by day little by little. Sorry Iºve been demanding of you even way out here in Africa.
  Something fun for you of all the cool things Iºve eaten: eel, octopus, fish heads, red bananas, and all sorts of crazy crazy fruits, and lots of cornflakes and sphagetti too, haha. Have a wonderful week!
Elder Judd
(he is so sweet and the farthest thing from a demanding kid! Funny boy, he asked me one favor)

October 20

This past week has been crazy and crazy-good too! I got to go on 2 divisions and both of them where I was the senior companion leading the other (much older) missionaries around Tarrafal, it was a great learning experience. I had another learning experience where I went on a division with a new greenie that has been here for 2 weeks. A greenie training a greenie. This was a great opportunity for me to know how training is and also for him to have someone to connect to, because of how new I am too. That day where I was training the greenie was the most successful day that we have had here in Tarrafal number-wise. The Elder Farnsworth, the greenie, had such a fire for missionary work and absolutely zero fear for talking to anyone. He will go so far in life.
  Nelson, one of our investigators, will be getting baptized this next week and then the week after will be flying out to Portugal to represent Santiago in a boxing tournament...love that guy so much. His desire is so strong that every problem he has had he has fought to overcome and with Christ he has easily each time. The people here in Cabo Verde are incredibly open and honest and god fearing people. The dynamic of the culture literally makes this place a land of light and a place of bliss. 
  Sorry for not having a lot to write, it just gives more time for whoever reads this to go do something with someone they love.

Elder Judd