Monday, October 13, 2014

No more American Missionaries

 Time is a paradox for me, it seems to go so fast but I feel Iºve already been here for such a long time. I am grateful for the time I do have because it goes by in the blink of an eye. We have already begun listening to Christmas music, haha. The things we hear about that happening in the world only prove how badly the world needs Godºs message of hope. No more American Missionaries will come here until the Ebola outbreak is done. Just one more miracle in my life that I was allowed to come here before it was shut done. 
  Oh, but the future here is so bright. I can say with great surity that within the next five years Cabo Verde will have a Temple in Praia, with a stake in the north side of Santiago. Our Bishop was released and the new Bishop, what a truly Christlike person. Always willing to give us cookies (which my body definitely does not need), literally willing to give the very shirt of his back as well.
  I used to dislike ºbearing my testimonyº because I didnºt want to sound preachy, but now my testimony isnºt something preachy but Iºm just telling about my life and I know that the spirit will touch them because not only is the Gospel absolutely true but will absolutely bless them in ways they canºt know unless they live it. I can now say that I know that the scriptures are inspired words that can and will apply to each person, each situation, each question. I love the Lord will all my heart. Any who do not ºknowº please just base your faith off of the reality of a loving Heavenly Father. I canºt thank God enough for every minute of my blessed life and for the lives of my family hear in Cabo Verde and back in Utah.
Elder Judd

From Elder Drawe: Well this week was a very great week like literally everyday, me and Elder Judd were just like freak! We did work today! Also this week we had another baptism. Her name is Lazi. She is literally a miracle. Her whole entire life she has said that the Catholic Church is the only true church, until she visited the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She noticed something different. Then we started teaching her, then she was just blown away about the feelings that she has felt. Then she was baptized! She is super cool! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Yucky mosquitos

I literally only had 10 minutes so you were the only person I wrote to besides President. He gave us permission to use internet for a little bit this morning so Iºll be fast. 
  After a couple weeks of mosquitos and getting around 100 bites all over my body I have just gotten completely used to them. They donºt bother me anymore which has been really nice. I have actually been gaining weight out here on the mission, and yes, it is possible to gain weight in Africa. I love the food! Rice and beans and french fries and chicken and it is the norm to cover all that in Cape Verdean mayonaise which is honestly the best creation in the world. It is not anything like american mayo, it is sent straight from heaven above. 
  Luis is doing really great thank you so much for asking, we are going to go teaching with him this next week which is going to be really amazing (Iºm sure he is just an amazing teacher because of how dang intellegent he is) He is doing fine because his family is pretty supportive which is great. The work out here is just that: work. And I am so grateful it is that way. I just canºt thank you enough mother for you teaching me that there is no substitution to work. Because of your teaching it never has been hard for me to adjust to the work load. 
  We got to watch a very choppy conference that would stop working every few minutes and we would have to either wait a long time or reload the page then wait a long time. It was in a hard accent of portuguese so it was really difficult to understand but I still got some great things from it anyway. I have never been personally grateful for the load that the prophet willingly bears. The burden of this generation is upon his shoulders and because he is obviously human it weighs him down so here in the mission we have been praying for him with a lot more energy of heart. Thanks also to you and dad who always made conference something special in our home because I will forever remember the feeling of togetherness we had while eating some way good cinnamon rolls. 
  I am incredibly grateful for the two new missionaries in our house, they both are about to finish their missions. They know the scriptures so well and Iºve already learned amazing things that I never knew previously or, frankly, thought about. Interviews with president yesterday was amazing, my pen was flying taking so many notes from what he was saying to me. I am learning to be more patient so I can follow in the footsteps of both of my parents and maybe come at least close to how amazing they are. 
 I love you all... like, a lot!

-Elder Judd

Monday, October 6, 2014

We are having interviews with the president today and also are in the process of finalizing the contract and moving. Most likely, we will be moving in on Thursday. We do our wash in a washing machine and then hang them up to dry on this rack and clothsline. I didnºt move but the other two Elders left to exotic islands and two new super awesome missionaries came in. Iºve only been with the older missionaries which has been great partaking from their scriptural knowledge. Yes, I took pictures at the baptism, but I still canºt send pictures. Sorry I donºt have much time, I love you mother.

-Elder Judd

Thursday, October 2, 2014

 Revelation came to me this week, which I am very grateful for. It came while writing in my journal one night. Cape Verde one of the highest baptizing missions, and this past Saturday was the first baptism I have had. Basically a whole transfer without. Elder Drawe and I have been working until our bodies scream at us to stop. I am glad Iºve only had one. It was the Lordºs will that I learn this lesson, this was the revelation: You have only baptized one person because you need to learn to glorify God not think all your baptisms were done by you. 
  Also this ´´baptism´´, this child of God is going to be one of the most amazing missionaries this side of the island will ever have seen. Luis has taught me so much. The friendships I have here are priceless. We can work so hard and not see as much noticeable success as we think we deserve but when we have enough desire to continue and continue then our lives will be blessed. Whether it will be a greater ability to go and do what is needed or to live in happiness with the things outside of our control. I really mean this when I say it but I can feel the support I have from everyone, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

-Elder Judd

ps Something I still havenºt figured out how to do is increase someoneºs desire to do the right thing. Well, I love you. Transfers have been nuts. We had a monsoon type rain storm this week, running through rivers going down the middle of the road. Way fun. Also, Iºm super excited for general conference. Oh, I also lost my voice super bad this past week. It was completely gone, haha, making it difficult to contact on the street or talk in lessons. 
  Iºm learning lots everyday, donºt worry about me. Wish I could talk more, love you.

Haha, so many questions still. Patience dear mother. First off, I love you. Second off, we go to church in a rented out space next to a eatery. We have almost almost 300 members here but around 70 that come to church. The missionaries before us were not the most obedient but they sure baptized a lot, they were not even teaching all that was necissary before baptism. Basically baptizing less-actives. Anyways, that is crazy to hear about our ward though. The work of the Lord isnºt going to do itself we all need to be active participants. We have 6 or more lessons a day planned but one maaaybe two actually work out so we do lots of street contacts. 
  Iºm great physically I could exercise more though, to be honest. We eat out at the local restuarants. Just owned by random people, no franchises obviously. Iºll be sending the real email so just wait a little.

Elder Judd

from his companion Elder Drawe:
Me and Elder Judd are staying in Tarrafall. We will be moving into the beauty house this week as well....just a small blessing that got figured out today. Also this week we were blessed to have a baptism. His name is Luis. He is that investigator teaching our other investigators, trying to get them go to church and read the scriptures. Yeah, he will be such a great missionary and such a great contributor to the ward of Tarrafall! Also the other Elders helped a young lady that is in a wheel chair get baptized. It was just an amazing baptism. To tell you the truth, it has been about 6 months since the whole District of Tarrafall all baptized on a Saturday, so literally we were so blessed this past week! We also are teaching a family. Its the family of Luis. They are so amazing! I love them! We just started teaching them and really its going to take some work and a whole lot of help from on top. So this week if you guys could do a huge favor for me and just pray your little hearts out for them and also for another investigator that we have that is having a hard time accepting the message. If you guys could do that, I know that miracles will happen!